
This is a implementation of paper `End to End Learning for Self-Driving Cars' in 2016, I use two different datasets for driving dataset, three different structures of Pilotnet and several data augmentation methods.

Primary LanguagePython


This is an implementation of paper End to End Learning for Self-Driving Cars in 2016, I use two different datasets for driving dataset, three different structures of Pilotnet and several data augmentation methods. Thank for Yidi Wang's project for building the original structure of Pilotnet.


Data preparation

  • The first driving dataset comes from ymshao's github project (really thank him) which is data, after download the dataset in this folder, create two folders named train and val, change the path in csvreader.py, open the terminal in this folder and type:
python csvreader.py

Since the original driving dataset is captured from a simulater. In the Nvidia's paper, the driving dataset comes from three cameras located at the left, center and right of the driving car. Since one image is responsible for one steering angle, for the images that comes from left and right cameras, I set offsets for these two kinds of images. Also there are too many drving data whose steering angle is 0, so I ignore some data whose steering angle is 0. Please check the details in my csvreader.py file.

  • Optional: You can use the crop.py file to crop the image, which will crop the image, this can serve as a data augmentation method, you can try it if you want. Change the path in crop.py, open the terminal in this folder and type:
python crop.py
  • Optional: You can use the canny.py file to extract the canny edge of the image, this can serve as a data augmentation method, you can try it if you want. Change the path in canny.py, open the terminal in this folder and type:
python canny.py
  • We want to store the images and their labels in lmdb format, and the lmdb format file will only take the integer as label. So that we need to first map the original float steering angle into integers. Change the path in label.py, open the terminal in this folder and type:
python label.py

You should get two new files now, one named label_train.txt for the labeled training angle, the other one named label_val.txt for the labeled validation angle.

  • If you want to see the histogram of the original steering angle and labeled angle. You could change the path in the display.py file, open the terminal in this folder and type:
python display.py

Histogram of original steering angle Histogram of labeled steering angle Blue bar means the training data, orange bar means the testing data

  • Now we can create the lmdb format data for Caffe to train. Also we need a meanfile that generated from the lmdb format data. Change the path in create_imagenet.sh and compute_mean.sh, open the terminal in this folder and type:
sh create_imagenet.sh
sh compute_mean.sh

Congratulations! You finish the data preparation part, you are ready to train your network with Caffe.


We have three different stuctures to be trained:

  1. First structure difined in pilotnet_train.prototxt, this structure is the same as it is discribed in the Nvidia's paper.
  2. Second structure defined in pilotnet_train_my.prototxt, this structure has some modifications compared with the first one, see the details of this structure in three_structure_report.pdf.
  3. Third structure defined in pilotnet_train_s.prototxt, this structure comes from Sully Chen's github project, see the details of this structure in three_structure_report.pdf.
  • First change the path in the pilotnet_solver.prototxt file (You need to modify the parameters in this file carefully, you may stuggle to have a good training strategy, that's the necessary step for training part, good luck:-) ). In order to train the networks, we need use the Caffe build in tools, so first change the path to caffe/build/tools/, in the terminal type:
./caffe train -solver=/home/roy/Implementation-of-Pilotnet/pilotnet_solver.prototxt

Then you will get several trained models in the snapshot folder.


  • You can test your trained models accuracy using prediction.py file, change the path in prediction.py file, in the terminal type:
python prediction.py

You will get the prediction submission in the snapshot folder.

The new dataset

  • The second driving dataset comes from SullyChen's github project (really thank him) which is driving-datasets, download this dataset in the forthenewdata folder, then follow the instrauction in that forlder.