
Package Manager for Garry's Mod

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


GLua Package Manager

This addon is a powerful library/loader. It allows automatically build complex chains of libraries and other packages, no matter what source they are. It can load code from remote sources and control the startup process, supports various binary modules to extend its own features. Contains several useful libraries and actively uses and implements asynchronous code execution.


  • Rewrite/replace deflate
  • Remove gpm.zip and replace it with deflate
  • Improve package info file (links: npm, lua rocks)
  • Improve package reloading
  • Update promises
  • Add version control support

Console commands

  • gpm_clear_cache - Clears the cache of externally downloaded packages.
  • gpm_reload - Restarts the package manager by refreshing its own code as well as reloading all packages.
  • gpm_list - Prints a list of loaded packages in the console.

Console variables

  • gpm_http_timeout - Default http timeout for gpm http library.

How to create your own package?

  1. Create package.lua and init.lua files in directory lua/packages/<your-package-name>/.
  2. Enter information about your package in package.lua, below is an example.
  3. Write your code in init.lua, if you want the script to be only on the client or server, write in your package.lua additional lines server or client, an example below.

Also, you can run an existing addon via gpm, just add the code below to package.lua, and you don’t even need to add init.lua.

package.lua example

-- lua/packages/example-package/package.lua
name = "example-package"
version = 000100

-- Files to be used as an entry point into the package, supports relative paths and global relative to "lua/"
init = {
    ["client"] = "cl_init.lua",
    ["server"] = "init.lua",
    ["menu"] = "init.lua"

-- If there is no autorun, the package will wait for import from another package
autorun = true

-- Don't touch it if you don't know what you're doing
environment = true

-- Client files ( supports relative paths and global paths by "lua/" )
send = {

-- If false, the logger will not be created by default and logs color
logger = false
color = Color( 255, 255, 0 )

-- Allowed gamemodes list, if nil then all gamemodes are allowed
gamemodes = {

-- Allowed maps list, if nil then all maps are allowed
maps = {

-- If true, then the package is allowed to run only in a singleplayer game
singleplayer = false

-- Enables automatic naming for listed libraries, e.g. all hooks with hook = true will have a package identifier in the hook name, if the hook name is a string of course...
autonames = {
    ["properties"] = true,
    ["timer"] = true,
    ["cvars"] = true,
    ["hook"] = true,
    ["net"] = false

Available package file parameters

  • Package name (name) (def. nil)

    The name of the package is just text that will be displayed in the format name@version, for example My Awesome Package@0.0.1.

  • Package version (version) (def. nil)

    By default, the version is a number whose format is { 00 } { 00 } { 00 } = 0.0.0, you can also use your own version format, just put your version here as a string.

  • Package init (init)

    This is a universal parameter, which can be either a string or a table, in case it is a string, the package will run on both server and client and menu using the same initialization point, but if it is a table, it must contain parameters like ["realm"] = "path/to/init. lua", if any side is not specified then it won't be launched/sent, i.e. if we specify this value to {["server"] = "init.lua"} the package will only run on server and won't be sent to clients and also will not support menu realm.


        init = {
            ["server"] = "init.lua",
            ["client"] = "cl_init.lua"
  • Package autorun (autorun) (def. false)

    The default setting is false, if this parameter is set to true and the package is in a valid lua/ directory, the package will automatically start and will not wait to be run externally.

  • Package environment (environment) (def. true)

    This is the parameter responsible for environment, by default it is true, if it is set to false then the package will run in _G and all global values created in it will go to _G, as well as you will no longer have access to gpm environment features. I recommend to use this only if you really need it.

  • Package send list (send) (def. nil)

    The list of files to send to the client, can be useful if the package runs exclusively on the client and has more than one file. (must be a table with indexes from 1 to infinity)

  • Package logger (logger) (def. false)

    If set to true then a personal logger object will be created in the package environment, to easily send logs to the console. If necessary, you can create a logger object yourself, just call gpm.CreateLogger( name, color ) (name is string, color is Color).

    Example usage

    local logger = gpm.Logger
    logger:Info( "My info message, this supports lua formatting like %s %f and other", "this", 0.025 )
    logger:Warn( "Warns!")
    logger:Error( "Errors!" )
    -- by default, they are only sent if the developer convar > 0
    logger:Debug( "Debug prings" )
    -- you can also set your own condition for debugging information
    logger:SetDebugFilter( function( str, ... )
        return true
    end )



  • Package active gamemode (gamemodes) (def. nil)

    A string with a one gamemode or a list table with allowed gamemodes, if the current gamemode does not match any of the ones listed here the package will not run.

  • Package current map (maps) (def. nil)

    A string with a map name or a list table with many map names, if the current map does not match any of the ones listed here the package will not run.

  • Package singleplayer only (singleplayer) (def. false)

    The boolean value that allows the package to be executed only in a singleplayer game.

  • Others

    This file can also contain any other additional information such as package author, license or description.

Simple import function usage example

Here is an example of the use of import in the init.lua file of the package.

-- pkg1 init.lua
import "packages/pkg2"

print( package2.feature() )

Look for more examples in our code ;)

How to improve?

For better speed and reliability, the following binary modules can be installed in the game:

In the near future we will release our own, better implemented binary modules to improve performance.


MIT © Pika Software