COSMOS OMNIBUS - Run Cosmos Nodes on Akash

This is a meta package of cosmos-sdk-based docker images and configuration meant to make deploying onto Akash easy and standardized across cosmos.

The goal is to have a simple way to launch any cosmos chain, with a variety of different bootstrapping options

  1. "normal" boostrap - using fastsync.
  2. Hand-made snapshots a la cosmos-snapshots
  3. The new state-sync mechanism.

Configuration is achieved using environment variables, with shortcuts available for common setups. Every aspect of the node configuration can be achieved in this way.

Additional features are included to make running a node as simple as possible

  1. Chain configuration can be sourced from a remote JSON file
  2. Genesis file can be downloaded and unzipped in various ways
  3. Private keys can be backed up and restored from any S3 compatible storage provider, such as Sia or Storj via Filebase.
  4. Snapshots of a nodes data directory can be created at a certain time or day and uploaded to an S3 storage provider

Generic image (binary downloaded at runtime)

Omnibus has a generic base image which can download the required binary at runtime. This is useful for chain upgrades, testnets, or using a different version than Omnibus primarily supports.

This generic image provides the Omnibus scripts and configuration helpers, and nothing else. Set the BINARY_URL environment variable to a .zip, .tar or .tar.gz URL, and configure PROJECT, PROJECT_DIR and PROJECT_BIN. Alternatively provide a Chain Registry CHAIN_JSON to configure everything automatically (where data is available).

Image URL:

      - MONIKER=my-moniker-1
      - CHAIN_JSON=
      - BINARY_ZIP_PATH=akash_0.15.0-rc14_linux_amd64/akash

More information on the generic image can be found at /generic, and configuration is detailed in depth below.

Networks (pre-built images)

The available docker images can be found here. They are tagged with the form $COSMOS_OMNIBUS_VERSION-$PROJECT-$PROJECT_VERSION.

Project Version Image
agoric agoric-3.1 Example
akash v0.16.3 Example
assetmantle v0.3.0 Example
bandchain v2.3.3 Example
bitcanna v.1.3.1 Example
bitsong v0.11.0 Example
bostrom v0.2.0 Example
cerberus v1.0.1 Example
cheqd v0.5.0 Example
chihuahua v2.0.1 Example
chronicnetwork v1.1.0 Example
comdex v0.1.1 Example
cosmoshub v7.0.2 Example
cronos v0.7.0 Example
cryptoorgchain v3.3.3 Example
decentr v1.5.7 Example
defund v0.0.2 Example
desmos v2.3.1 Example
dig v2.0.1 Example
emoney v1.1.4 Example
evmos v7.0.0 Example
fetchhub v0.10.4 Example
gravitybridge v1.4.1 Example
impacthub v0.17.0 Example
irisnet v1.0.1 Example
juno v9.0.0 Example
kava v0.16.1 Example
kixchain 3.0.0 Example
konstellation 0.5.0 Example
kujira v0.4.0 Example
likecoin v3.0.0 Example
lumnetwork v1.0.5 Example
omniflixhub v0.4.1 Example
osmosis v11.0.0 Example
panacea v2.0.2 Example
persistence v0.1.3 Example
regen v4.0.0 Example
rizon v0.2.8 Example
seinetwork 1.1.0beta Example
sentinel v0.8.3 Example
shentu v2.2.0 Example
sifchain v0.14.0 Example
sommelier v3.1.0 Example
stargaze v5.0.0 Example
starname v0.10.18 Example
umee v1.0.1 Example
vidulum v1.0.0 Example

Example configurations

There are example files within each project subdirectory which include a sensible default configuration for each chain. Optional configuration options are commented out so you can easily enable them, and the node can be configured further using the docs below.

Running on Akash

See the deploy.yml example file in each chain directory which details the minimum configuration required. Use the configuration options below to add functionality. Note the commented out persistent storage configuration if needed.

Running locally/any docker host

See the docker-compose.yml example file in each chain directory to run each node using docker-compose up.


Omnibus can import chain snapshots from almost any location. Some examples are Chain Layer's QuickSync service and Polkachu's Tendermint Snapshots.

Appropriate snapshot configuration is included in most example configurations in the Omnibus repository. Check the project directories for more information.

Akash also generate and publish snapshots for the Akash blockchain. Pruned snapshots are taken daily, and Archive snapshots weekly.

These snapshots are created using Omnibus nodes running on Akash, as shown in the Snapshot Backup example.

Type Snapshot JSON
Akash Pruned
Akash Archive


See the _examples directory for some common setups, including:


Cosmos blockchains can be configured entirely using environment variables instead of the config files. Every chain has it's own prefix, but the format of the configuration is the same.

For example to configure the seeds option in the p2p section of config.toml, for the Akash blockchain:


The namespace for each of the supported chains in the cosmos omnibus can be found in the README in each project directory.

The omnibus images allow some specific variables and shortcuts to configure extra functionality, detailed below.

Chain configuration

Chain config can be sourced from a chain.json file as seen in the Cosmos Chain Registry.

Variable Description Default Examples
CHAIN_JSON URL to a chain.json file detailing the chain meta
CHAIN_ID The cosmos chain ID akashnet-2
GENESIS_URL URL to the genesis file in .gz, .tar.gz, or .zip format. Can be set by CHAIN_JSON
DOWNLOAD_GENESIS Force download of genesis file. If unset the node will only download if the genesis file is missing 1
VALIDATE_GENESIS Set to 1 to enable validation of genesis file 0 1


Peer information can be provided manually, or obtained automatically from the following sources:

  • CHAIN_JSON URL with peer information included.
  • Polkachu's live peers.
  • Any ADDRBOOK_URL where the config/addrbook.json file is hosted.

See Cosmos docs for more information.

Variable Description Default Examples
P2P_SEEDS Seed nodes. Can be set by CHAIN_JSON or GENESIS_URL id@node:26656
P2P_PERSISTENT_PEERS Persistent peers. Can be set by CHAIN_JSON or GENESIS_URL id@node:26656
P2P_POLKACHU Import live persistent peers from Polkachu if available 1
ADDRBOOK_URL URL to an addrbook.json file

Private key backup/restore

On boot, the container can restore a private key from any S3 storage provider. If this is configured and the key doesn't exist in S3 yet, it will be uploaded from the node.

This allows for a persistent node ID and validator key on Akash's ephemeral storage.

Filebase is a great way to use S3 with decentralised hosting such as Sia.

The node_key.json and priv_validator_key.json are both backed up, and can be encrypted with a password.

Variable Description Default Examples
S3_KEY S3 access key
S3_SECRET S3 secret key
S3_HOST The S3 API host
KEY_PATH Bucket and directory to backup/restore to bucket/nodes/node_1
KEY_PASSWORD An optional password to encrypt your private keys. Shouldn't be optional


Some shortcuts for enabling statesync. Statesync requires 2x nodes with snapshots enabled.

Statesync nodes can also be sourced from Polkachu's Statesync service automatically.

See an example of a statesync deployment.

Variable Description Default Examples
STATESYNC_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL Take a snapshot to provide statesync every X blocks 500
STATESYNC_ENABLE Enabling statesyncing from a node. Default true if STATESYNC_RPC_SERVERS is set
STATESYNC_RPC_SERVERS Comma separated list of RPC nodes with snapshots enabled ip:26657,ip2:26657
STATESYNC_TRUSTED_NODE A trusted node to obtain trust height and hash from. Defaults to the first STATESYNC_RPC_SERVERS if set ip:26657
STATESYNC_TRUST_PERIOD Trust period for the statesync snapshot 168h0m0s
STATESYNC_POLKACHU Import Polkachu's statesync addresses if available 1

Snapshot restore

The node data directory can be restored from a .tar, .tar.gz or .lz4 file stored on a public URL. The file can be obtained from the following sources:

Note that snapshots will be restored in-process, without downloading the snapshot to disk first. This saves disk space but is slower to extract, and could be made configurable in the future.

Variable Description Default Examples
DOWNLOAD_SNAPSHOT Force bootstrapping from snapshot. If unset the node will only restore a snapshot if the data contents are missing 1
SNAPSHOT_URL A URL to a .tar, .tar.gz or .lz4 file
SNAPSHOT_BASE_URL A base URL to a directory containing backup files
SNAPSHOT_JSON A URL to a snapshot.json as detailed in Snapshot backup
SNAPSHOT_FORMAT The format of the snapshot file tar.gz tar
SNAPSHOT_PATTERN The pattern of the file in the SNAPSHOT_BASE_URL $CHAIN_ID.*$SNAPSHOT_FORMAT foobar.*tar.gz
SNAPSHOT_DATA_PATH The path to the data directory within the archive snapshot/data
SNAPSHOT_PRUNING Type of snapshot to download, e.g. archive, pruned, default. pruned archive
SNAPSHOT_QUICKSYNC A URL to a Quicksync JSON file describing their snapshots. Also see SNAPSHOT_PRUNING
SNAPSHOT_POLKACHU Import Polkachu's snapshot automatically if available 1

Snapshot backup

Omnibus includes a script to automatically snapshot a node and upload the resulting archive to any S3 compatible service like Filebase. At a specified time (or day), the script will shut down the tendermint server, create an archive of the data directory and upload it. Snapshots older than a specified time can also be deleted. Finally a JSON metadata file is created listing the current snapshots. The server is then restarted and monitored.

See an example of a snapshot node deployment.

Variable Description Default Examples
S3_KEY S3 access key
S3_SECRET S3 secret key
S3_HOST The S3 API host
SNAPSHOT_PATH The S3 path to upload snapshots to, including the bucket cosmos-snapshots/akash
SNAPSHOT_PREFIX The prefix for the snapshot filename $CHAIN_ID snapshot
SNAPSHOT_TIME The time the snapshot will run 00:00:00 09:00:00
SNAPSHOT_DAY The numeric day of the week the snapshot will run (Monday = 1) * 7
SNAPSHOT_SIZE The rough size of the resulting snapshot for the multi-part upload 107374182400 0
SNAPSHOT_DIR The directory on disk to snapshot $PROJECT_ROOT/data /root/.akash
SNAPSHOT_CMD The command to run the server $START_CMD akash start --someflag
SNAPSHOT_RETAIN How long to retain snapshots for (0 to disable) 2 days 1 week
SNAPSHOT_METADATA Whether to create a snapshot.json metadata file 1 0
SNAPSHOT_METADATA_URL The URL snapshots will be served from (for snapshot.json)

Binary download

The node binary can be downloaded at runtime when using the Generic image. All configuration can be sourced from CHAIN_JSON if the attributes are available, or configured manually. You will need to set PROJECT, PROJECT_BIN and PROJECT_DIR if these can't be sourced from CHAIN_JSON.

Variable Description Default Examples
BINARY_URL URL to the binary (or zip, tar, tar.gz)
BINARY_ZIP_PATH Path to the binary in the archive. Can be left blank if correctly named in root
PROJECT Name of the project, informs other variables
PROJECT_BIN Binary name $PROJECT osmosisd
PROJECT_DIR Name of project directory .$PROJECT_BIN .osmosisd


See Cosmos docs for more information

Variable Description Default Examples
FASTSYNC_VERSION The fastsync version v2
MINIMUM_GAS_PRICES Minimum gas prices 0.025uakt
PRUNING How much of the chain to prune nothing
DEBUG Set to 1 to output all environment variables on boot 1


Adding a new chain is easy:

  • Ideally source or setup a chain.json to provide a single source of truth for chain info
  • Add a project directory based on the existing projects
  • Update the github workflow to create an image for your chain

Submit a PR or an issue if you want to see any specific chains.