
Corrects iOS backup names to make them human readable. Works for unencrypted backups only.

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


from stek29 - Origial

Corrects iOS backup names to make them human readable. Works for unencrypted backups only. Quick and dirty, was written half an year ago, but it works, huh

How it works

iTunes backup store all data in Manifest.db sqlite3 db.

  • flags seem to be 1 for files and 2 for directories
  • domain -- see iPhone Wiki
  • relativePath -- relative path, lol.
  • fileID -- some sort of sha1, see iPhone Wiki (but I wasn't able to calculate those hashes correctly tbh)
    What's more important is that it allows us to guess name of file it stores.

How to run the export

python3.8 test.py -u AABBCCDDEEFF[UID]

Btw, I've never tested it on anything except OS X. And I'm not sure about exact iTunes versions, but I guess it will work if Manifest.db is present.