Mini Processing Apps

Processing is a software sketchbook and a language based on JAVA for learning how to code within the context of the visual arts. This repository contains some of the processing "art-works" developed by me.

How to run the awesomeness?

  1. Download processing from here:
  2. Run the app you like
  3. Sit back and enjoy!

About Apps

Flowers & Stars

Draws beautiful flowers and stars with circular animation on the screen.

Font Effect

Want to experience the impact of font family? Check it out.

3D-Rotating Cude

Simulate the rotation of a 3D cube. Try changing the lighting effect.


Enjoy playing piano by simply typing on the keyboard.

Solar System

Basic simulation of the solar system. The Earth rotates around the Sun. The Moon rotates around the Earth. Try the zoom in effect and see what happens when asteroid hits the Earth!

Vincent Van Gogh Doodle

Created specially for Vincent Van Gogh's birth anniversary, to celebrate his artwork. An informative app, to explore some of his well-known artworks.

Made by

PikkaPikkachu with ❤️


Got more app ideas?! Create an issue or send a pull request!