A hand picked list of awesome resources & tools for ux engineers, designers & front-end developer.
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- Inspiration
- Colors
- Gradients
- Typography
- Icons
- Vectors
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- Productivity
- Awwwards: Awarded web design trends.
- Behance: Showcase for creative work.
- Dribbble: Discover and connect with the world’s top designers.
- One Page Love: Design Showcase for the best One Page sites.
- Adobe Color CC: Create color schemes or browse thousands of combinations.
- Brandcolors: Collection of official brand color codes around.
- Coolors: Color schemes generator.
- CSS Gradient Generator: A powerful Photoshop-like CSS gradient editor from ColorZilla.
- UI Gradients: Beautiful color gradients.
- Fontpair: Helps designers pair Google Fonts together.
- Google Web Fonts: Open source designer web fonts.
- Type Anything: Create your own font combinations.
- Flat Icon: Thousands of free flat icons.
- Icon Finder: 1 million free and premium icons.
- The Noun Project: Icons for Everything.
- Font Awesome: The iconic font and CSS toolkit.
- Google Material Icons: Free to use material design icons from Google.
- Favicon Generator: Favicon & app icon generator.
- Freepik: Free vectors in different formats.
- Vecteezy: A collection of free vector art, vector graphics, illustrator backgrounds, etc.
- Pexels: Best free stock photos in one place (Creative Commons CC0 license).
- Pixabay: High quality photos, vectors and illustrations (Creative Commons CC0 license).
- StockSnap: Beautiful free stock photos (Creative Commons CC0 license).
- Unsplash: All photos published on Unsplash can be used for free. You can use them for commercial and noncommercial purposes.
- Flickr: Find your inspiration - Flickr community.
- Placehold.it: A quick and simple image placeholder service.
- Unsplash.it: Beautiful placeholders using images from unsplash.
- Pexels Videos: Popular free Videos.
- Adobe XD: Prototyping & wireframing Tool.
- Axure: Prototypes, specifications & diagrams in one tool.
- Balsamiq: Rapid, effective and fun wireframing software.
- InVision: Prototyping, collaboration & workflow platform.
- GoodUI: 5 Ways You Can Get A Better UI.
- Sketch: A lightweight & easy-to-use program for digital design (for Mac).
- Learn Sketch: Official user manual for Sketch.
- Sketch Casts: Video tutorials for beginners & experts.
- Sketch Tutorials: Collection of Sketch app tutorials for casual user & professional designer.
- LevelUpTuts: Beginner tutorials into Sketch.
- Sketch Plugins: Plugins created by third-party developers.
- Sketch Land: An index of the most useful resources for Sketch.
- Sketch App Sources: Plugins for Sketch.
- Sketch App Source: Keyboard Shortcuts for Sketch.
- design+code: Sketch Keyboard Shortcuts and Tricks.
- Avocode: Inspect designs, export assets and get specs without Sketch or Photoshop.
- Frontify: Create brand guidelines & smart UI libraries.
- BEM: Block Element Modifier is a methodology that helps you to create reusable components and code sharing in front-end development.
- A Complete Guide to Flexbox: CSS Tricks - Flexbox Tutorial
- Flexbox Froggy: Flexbox Froggy is a game for learning CSS flexbox
- Flexbox Defense: Tower Defense with a twist: all towers must be positioned with CSS Flexbox.
- A Complete Guide to Grid: CSS Tricks - Grid Tutorial
- Grid Garden: Grid Garden is a game for learning CSS grid layout.
- Apples Human Interface Guidelines: Apples Human Interface Guidelines for macOS, iOS, watchOS, tvOS & CarPlay.
- Google Material Design: Design, components & resources for Google's brand.