
A Telegram bot that can be used to talk with CharacterAI characters. Self hosted.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

CharacterAI Telegram bot


A Telegram bot that can be used to talk with CharacterAI characters. It's self hosted.


This is unnofficial, so there is a slight possibility that your CharacterAI account gets banned if you use this.


To do

  • Make it possible to login and choose the character using the bot
  • Fix webhooks stuff

Helpful links:

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.


  • NodeJs
  • npm


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone https://github.com/Pikku-a/telegramXcharacterai
  2. Install NPM packages
    npm install
  3. Rename example.env to .env and edit it:
    TELEGRAM_TOKEN="telegram bot token from @botfather"
    CHARACTERAI_ID="character ai id that you can get from the last part of the url when in the chat"
    CHARACTERAI_ACCESSTOKEN="See: How to find characterAI access token"
    WEBHOOKS="Doesn't work currently so ignore it"
  4. Start Server
    npm start

How to find CharacterAI access token

  • Open the Character.AI website in your browser (https://old.character.ai)
  • Open the developer tools (F12, Ctrl+Shift+I, or Cmd+J)
  • Go to the Storage section and click on Local Storage
  • Look for the char_token key
  • Open the object, right click on value and copy your session token. Don't share the access code to anyone.


I built this on top of this javascript-chatbot by DevXprite - 2022, Licensed MIT.

However, the project has changed a lot and there is not much code left from that. But some stuff is left. Like the Vercel stuff. For example, there is this button in this readme:

Click this button to configure your Project and deploy it to Vercel.

Deploy with Vercel

I don't know what it does. I haven't tried clicking on it, my courage was not enough. Legend says that people who have clicked on it have never returned. Did they succeed? Or fail? Or something worse...