
Ticket printer driver

Primary LanguagePython


Ticket printer driver
Codacy Badge


Prerequisites checklist:

  1. Remember that in Python installer in step 2.,
    on Customize Python screen,
    You must select [Will be installed on local hard drive] for [Add python.exe to path]
  2. download, extract, and install python-2.7.12
  3. download, extract, and install PIL-1.1.7.win32-py2.7
  4. download, extract, and install pywin32-220.win32-py2.7


  1. Download ticket printer drivers plevi_*.zip
  2. Unpack the contents into C:\plevi folder
  3. Execute C:\plevi\printsrv\install.bat


Update RasoASM/vat_table_lt.yaml and RasoASM/payment_methods_lt.yaml if needed


Open new command window and verify pip modules with > pip list Output should look like

fontname (0.2.0)
freetype-py (1.0.2)
PIL (1.1.7)
pip (8.1.2)
pywin32 (220)
qrcode (5.3)
requests (2.10.0)
setuptools (20.10.1)
six (1.10.0)
WMI (1.4.9)

If this command fails, then you probably forgot to check the [Add python.exe to path] parameter in Python installer.


  1. register .plp files in Windows to be opened automatically with C:\plevi\printsrv.exe
  2. Salespoint ID must be unique and written to C:\plevi\persistent.ini file with syntax 'LT_/salespoint_name/' example: my_id = LT_kauno_maxima_01
  3. please make sure, that the ticket printer name in C:\plevi\persistent.ini and C:\plevi\setup_lt.ini is the same, as in Windows (Devices and printers) and page size in printer settings is 'Letter'
  4. make a test sale of ticket with successful transaction confirmation - then also the receipt is printed

Special note

Please make sure, that wires are connected in same order over all installations. Also make sure port mapping is identical everywhere.

Even better

  • create a document, where required wiring and port mapping is described and every time someone drives to point of sale to install the printers, give these instructions along.
  • label the wires. get a permanent marker or buy labeling machine
  • take a photo of correctly connected wires at every POS

Thank us later.


Manual updating

  1. Download ticket printer drivers plevi_*.zip
  2. Unpack the contents into C:\plevi folder