Relies on Python packages flask, flask-wtf, pygit2. These can be install with pip.

to set up virtual environment, assuming python 3:

  • pyvenv flask
  • flask/bin/pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Installing pygit2 requires a C library, it can be installed on a mac using Homebrew: brew install libgit2 and on Debian using apt: apt-get install libgit2-dev libffi

To run: python3 will start the server.

(For Python 2, it should work with virtualenv flask, and then the rest of it with the 3's taken out.)

With the server running, navigate in your browser to localhost:5000. The webpage should be ready for use.

A handy github repo you can use for testing is:

A new version of the anonymizer module with unit tests is planned.

The anonymizer module can be run as a standalone. use python3 <url-to-anonymize> <kata-description>

The anonymizer relies on the three following environment variables: pynonymizer_username pynonymizer_password pynonymizer_token Which are the username, password, and OAuth token of the github repo you want the anonymous katas uploaded to. These can be set using the syntax export example='data' in the terminal.