
The most advanced WordPress Page Builder using Advanced Custom Fields & TailwindCSS

Primary LanguagePHP

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The most advanced WordPress Page Builder using Advanced Custom Fields & TailwindCSS.

Pilo'Press is a framework plugin for WordPress. Based on ACF and ACF Extended, it allows you to create layouts among other things and use the Flexible Content field as a page builder.

Pilo'Press uses TailwindCSS for style templating by default which you can configure and build directly from the back-office. (Please note that TailwindCSS is not mandatory, you can choose to use it or not)

All features are describe in details (with screens & videos), in our Website. You can discuss with us on the Pilo'Press slack community.

Table of Contents


This plugin requires Advanced Custom Fields PRO and Advanced Custom Fields: Extended plugins in order to work correctly.

Plugin installation

  • Activate Advanced Custom Fields Pro plugin.
  • Activate ACF Extended plugin.
  • Activate Pilo'Press plugin.

Theme installation

After plugin activation, you will have 1 parent folder with 2 sub-folders in your theme : pilopress/layouts and pilopress/assets In the index.php file, add the following code:


// Header

// Pilo'Press: Content

// Footer


In the administration, under Pilo'Press > Styles, when you click on "Update & Compile", TailwindCSS will be compiled remotely using a remote TailwindCSS API. Minified CSS files are then created under /pilopress/assets/styles.min.css and /pilopress/assets/styles-admin.min.css.

Those files are automatically enqueued but there are filters to disable this auto-enqueue if you want to.

It is possible to manually retrieve the Tailwind PostCSS & JS fields of the administration if you want to build TailwindCSS locally. To do so, you can use the following code:

$tailwind_css    = pip_get_tailwind_css();
$tailwind_config = pip_get_tailwind_config();

For more details, see Tailwind CSS Documentation.

Customizing TailwindCSS

To customize default Tailwind CSS styles, go to Pilo'Press > Styles from left navigation menu or top bar menu.

For more details about customization, see our Documentation.

Add new layout

  • In the admin menu Pilo'Press > Layouts, add a new layout
  • Configure the layouts fields
  • Layout folder (/your-theme/pilopress/layouts/your-layout) and empty PHP file will be created automatically
  • Create CSS and JS files in your layout folder if you need it
  • You have to name those files the same way you did in back-office settings

Note: only PHP template file is require.


To display the content of your post, you have to use the following function:

// Pilo'Press content (doesn't need 'echo')

// Pilo'Press content (needs 'echo')
echo get_pip_content();

You can specify a post, page or custom post type item ID to display content of this item.


See Components documentation for complete example.


Available hooks are list and describe in our Hooks documentation

Changelog - 05/04/2023

  • Added: TailwindCSS CDN feature
  • Added: filter pip/layouts/flexible_render_style to allow CSS enqueue via ACFE
  • Added : filters pip/shortcode/button/start_html_output and pip/shortcode/button/end_html_output for easier HTML customization with pip_button shortcode
  • Added: filters pip/tailwind_api/front_build_args and pip/tailwind_api/admin_build_args
  • Added: action pip/flexible/layouts/prefix
  • Improved: admin styles for layout preview displaying better (not getting overriden by WP default styles anymore)
  • Improved: clearer Tailwind CSS error when compiling
  • Improved: layout's JS files version based on filemtime()
  • Improved: way of handling the path of uploaded fonts
  • Fixed: Default Content / Locked Content not creating duplicates anymore when activating Polylang
  • Fixed: JS conflict with moving a layout with the "up" or "down" controls in the pip_flexible when there was another flexible content within
  • Fixed: some parts of ACF V6 UI that were hidden - 12/10/2022

  • Added: TailwindCSS3 & JIT compatibility
  • Improved: ACF v6.0 new UI compatibility
  • Fixed: Tailwind CSS overriden configuration modifications being erased on layout edit
  • Fixed: Component field value not being correct when a layout is toggled off (ACFE feature) before the layout that contains the component

0.4.3 - 08/07/2022

  • Added: Filter pip/locked_content/fields to allow user add fields to locked content layout
  • Added: Filter pip/locked_content/html to allow user alter HTML of locked content layout
  • Added: Filter pip/builder/hide_on_screen to allow user to enable / disable the_content
  • Added: Filter pip/tailwind/config/prefix to allow prefixed TailwindCSS generated classes
  • Improved: "Set locked content (Post)" is displayed on 404 error page but it shouldn't
  • Improved: Change edit locked content icon in admin bar
  • Fixed: Title missing conditional in [pip_title] shortcode for home page.
  • Fixed: Locked content - "Last posts" layout-like seems to trigger "locked content" set in another post-type
  • Fixed: Default content - notice on multisite
  • Fixed: PIP_Pattern doesn't retrieve correct pattern_post_id in other than default language when logged out
  • Fixed: Fix component field when not in pip_flexible

0.4.2 - 07/03/2022

  • Fixed: Location match for "Components" location condition
  • Fixed: Remove Categories and Collections columns in layout sync screen to avoid columns to break
  • Fixed: WYSIWYG Dark mode detection
  • Fixed: Layout field group thumbnail not taking the whole space
  • Fixed: AlpineJS enqueue through module
  • Fixed: Layouts actions on newly added layout
  • Fixed: Console log leftover in preview
  • Fixed: Fix duplicated keys 'row-' in pip_layout_var
  • Fixed: deprecated acf.add_action to acf.addAction
  • Improved: Add message when layout thumbnail already in folder
  • Improved: Use WP_Filesystem instead of file_get_contents() or file_put_contents()
  • Improved: Update TailwindCSS Native colors values according to TailwindCSS v2
  • Improved: Add style around layout in admin when an error occurs to facilitate error location
  • Improved: Rank Math compatibility for Breadcrumb + possibility to set a custom breadcrumb
  • Improved: Export/import layouts style + wording
  • Improved: Adding custom actions in Site Template aswell
  • Added: Layout slug column in layout listing
  • Added: Add option to show only button, font family and style checked as "Available in editor"
  • Added: Preview for typography, colors, buttons and fonts in Pilo'Press > Styles
  • Added: Import and Export tools for layouts
  • Added: Search bar inside layouts selection modal
  • Added: Edit layout, Move layout up and Move layout down actions
  • Added: pip/flexible/layouts/icons filter
  • Added: pip/flexible/layouts/icons/hide filter
  • Added: pip/shortcode/breadcrumb filter
  • Added: New module “Patterns(with Default Content & Locked Content per post-type / taxonomy) - 01/10/2021

  • Improved: Change tailwindapi.com to api.pilopress.com
  • Improved: Change way to get terms, improved performances in admin
  • Improved: Change custom styles, colors and fonts wrapper argument to false, to allow user to apply different styles in same paragraph
  • Added: Add pip/shortcode/button_group/class filter

0.4.1 - 02/08/2021

  • Fixed: Pilo'Press navbar now displayed on new layout page
  • Fixed: import for tailwind components position in code
  • Fixed: PHP error on fresh install
  • Fixed: PHP notice from wp_localize_script()
  • Fixed: Hide actions on sync layouts page
  • Fixed: Remove collection's badge from layout title when doing AJAX
  • Fixed: Conditions to show layouts and Pilo'Press" flexible on options pages
  • Fixed: Allow 3rd party buttons in TinyMCE toolbars
  • Fixed: Infinite loop in specific cases for Components loop
  • Improved: change button's "classes to apply" field from text to textarea
  • Improved: Add "disabled" status in button states choices
  • Improved: Allow HTML in button shortcode text
  • Improved: Allow button shortcode to be a download link + add downloaded file name option
  • Improved: Administration of fonts in Styles
  • Improved: Pilo'Press' styles files version (from Pilo'Press version to filemtime())
  • Improved: Save all styles options when saving one page
  • Improved: Thumbnail preview when selected size is Full
  • Improved: Allow custom styles in TinyMCE to be applied on part of text instead of whole paragraph
  • Added: Add option for a FontAwesome icon in pip_button shortcode
  • Added: Add pip/shortcode/button/icon_margin filter
  • Added: Add pip/custom_font/url filter to allow URL modification for custom fonts
  • Added: AlpineJS module in administration panel. You can now enqueue easily AlpineJS with a toggle and specify its version (default to 3.0.6)
  • Added: Add pip/alpinejs and pip/alpinejs/version filters
  • Added: Add a notice in administration if Pilo'Press is active but no pilopress folder is found in active theme
  • Added: Add spacings in Configuration tab
  • Added: Add option to WYSIWYG fields to enable Dark mode by default
  • Added: Fallback fonts option
  • Added: CSS Vars for colors, screens, container paddings and fonts

0.4.0 - 04/02/2021

  • Fixed: pip_get_formatted_post_id() function used in get_pip_content() and return nothing if used on custom post type archive when no posts
  • Fixed: Render when multiple components on the same post
  • Fixed: Sync link on layouts listing page
  • Fixed: Use pip/builder/parameters filter for Header flexible and Footer flexible
  • Fixed: Location match when location is set to Components > All
  • Fixed: Redirection to ACF field groups when you duplicate a layout
  • Fixed: Compatibility issue with ACF: Font Awesome plugin
  • Added: Variables system to layouts
  • Added: Allow user to compile locally, without TailwindAPI
  • Added: pip/tailwind_api filter
  • Added: pip/tailwind/config_file_name filter
  • Added: pip/tailwind/styles_file_name filter
  • Added: pip/tailwind/css/after_base filter
  • Added: pip/tailwind/css/after_fonts filter
  • Added: pip/tailwind/css/after_components filter
  • Added: pip/tailwind/css/after_utilities filter
  • Added: pip/formatted_post_id filter
  • Added: pip/tailwind_api filter
  • Added: pip/tailwind/config_file_name filter
  • Added: pip/tailwind/styles_file_name filter
  • Added: Filter choices in pip_font_color fields
  • Added: Type of class returned by pip_font_color fields (text, background or border)
  • Added: A lot of helpers to get data from back-office
  • Added: TailwindCSS error message when compilation failed
  • Added: Automatically create configuration file on layout insert or update
  • Added: New "component like" location rule
  • Improved: Make style back-office feature oriented
  • Improved: Code quality
  • Improved: Theme colors field type. Add return format choice and default value option
  • Improved: Categories and collections filters on layouts listing page
  • Improved: "pip_title" shortcode - 02/11/2020

  • Fixed: Reset h2 style inside TinyMCE
  • Improved: When TailwindCSS compilation via TailwindAPI crashes, show an error message and don't replace CSS file content
  • Improved: Allow main flexible in nav menu location
  • Improved: Change version of generated CSS files to filemtime( FILE ) - 10/09/2020

  • Fixed: Configuration file placeholder misleading
  • Fixed: Component loop
  • Fixed: PHP 7.4.9 warnings
  • Fixed: Error if no layout slug
  • Fixed: Top admin bar on plugin activation
  • Fixed: Field groups colors in "Layouts" listing
  • Fixed: Field groups in sync listing
  • Improved: Add auto layout thumbnails for Site Template
  • Added: Filter pip/builder/parameters - 07/09/2020

  • Fixed: Remove thumbnail and collection badge from layout title
  • Fixed: Image inside layout folder used as thumbnail
  • Improved: Add top nav menu as ACF did
  • Improved: Add see more for components listing in Pilo'Press dashboard - 22/07/2020

  • Fixed: Collection badge style with automatic thumbnail - 22/07/2020

  • Added: pip/layouts/always_show_collection filter
  • Added: Layout configuration file option
  • Added: Allow png, jpeg, jpg file inside layout folder to be used as thumbnail. The file needs to be named as the layout slug.
  • Added: Create layout folder and PHP file on layout creation
  • Improved: Rename helpers functions
  • Improved: Reset TinyMCE styles in a cleaner way
  • Improved: Register conditions for Pilo'Press field types - 16/07/2020

  • Added: Create pilopress/assets and pilopress/layouts folders on plugin activation
  • Improved: ACFE Compatibility
  • Improved: Group Pilo'Press field types under "Pilo'Press" category
  • Improved: Use layout slug to autocomplete file names
  • Improved: Use layout slug for location check, allow multiple layouts to have the same name
  • Improved: Show collection badge only on layouts with the same name instead of on all layouts
  • Fixed: Filters in layout modal when collections are used
  • Fixed: Remove Collection meta box on field group pages
  • Fixed: Translations - 17/06/2020

  • Improved: Collections name tag
  • Improved: Layouts Configuration Modal setting now also display Local Field Groups
  • Fixed: WYSIWYG Dark Mode not working in some specific cases
  • Fixed: Readme URL - 10/06/2020

  • Improved: Collections name in layouts label
  • Improved: Builder name is now displayed in the Builder Modal
  • Fixed: Flexible Content PHP notice
  • Fixed: Builder Mirror being displayed on pages - 10/06/2020

  • Added: pip_maybe_get() helper function
  • Fixed: Fix WYSIWYG dark mode - 09/06/2020

  • Fixed: Fix WYSIWYG dark mode values and detection - 08/06/2020

  • Fixed: Fix WYSIWYG dark mode being required in specific case

0.3.2 - 08/06/2020

  • Added: Dark mode for TinyMCE Editors
  • Added: PHP Sync for layouts
  • Added: Collection taxonomy for layouts, displayed before layout title. Example: "Collection: Layout title"
  • Improved: get_pip_header() and get_pip_footer() are include in the_pip_content()
  • Improved: Styles from Pilo'Press automatically enqueued
  • Improved: Add layouts categories and collection in JSON and PHP files
  • Improved: Hide category and collection columns if no term exist in layouts admin page

0.3.1 - 29/05/2020

  • Improved: Translations
  • Fixed: Save of builder field group

0.3 - 20/05/2020

  • Improved: General Dashboard
  • Fixed: Layouts Json Sync when the folder doesn't exists
  • Removed: TailwindCSS PostCSS & JS file generation have been removed

0.2 - 19/05/2020

  • Fixed: Layout path prefix field to correctly check theme path
  • Fixed: Google Fonts are now enqueued using wp_enqueue_style()
  • Fixed: TaildwindAPI now use native wp_remote_post() function instead of CURL

0.1 - 14/05/2020

  • Initial commit