Google Play Services Jar Resolver Library for Unity
This library is intended to be used by any Unity plugin that requires access to Google play-services or Android support libraries on Android. The goal is to minimize the risk of having multiple or conflicting versions of client libraries included in the Unity project.
With this library, a plugin declares the dependencies needed and these are resolved by using the play-services and support repositories that are part of the Android SDK. These repositories are used to store .aar files in a Maven (Gradle) compatible repository.
This library implements a subset of the resolution logic used by these build tools so the same functionality is available in Unity.
Many Unity plugins have dependencies on Google Play Services. Dependencies on Google Play Services can cause version conflicts and duplicate resource definitions. In some cases, including the entire Google Play Services client library makes it difficult to keep the number of methods in your app (including framework APIs, library methods, and your own code) under the 65,536 limit.
Android Studio addressed this starting with version 6.5 of Play Services. Starting then, you can include the individual components of Play Services in your project instead of the entire library. This makes the project overhead smaller. The result is more resources for your application, and maybe even a smaller application.
The unity-jar-resolver project brings this capability to Unity projects. Each plugin or application declare the dependency needed e.g. play-services-games, and the version 8.4+. Then the resolver library copies over the best version of the play services libraries needed by all the plugins in the project.
To use this plugin, developers need to install the "Support Repository" and the "Google Repository" in the Android SDK Manager.
Developers can clone this project from GitHub and include it in their project. Plugin creators are encouraged to adopt this library as well, easing integration for their customers.
The list of the Play Services components on https://developers.google.com/android/guides/setup.
This library only works with Unity version 4.6.8 or higher.
The library relies on the installation of the Android Support Repository and the Google Repository SDK components. These are found in the "extras" section.
The plugin consists of several C# DLLs that contain the logic to resolve the dependencies for both Android and iOS (using CocoaPods), the logic to resolve dependencies and copy them into Unity projects, and logic to remove older versions of the client libraries as well as older versions of the JarResolver DLLs.
(Assets/Google Play Services/Resolve Client Jars). In order to support Unity version 4.x, this class also converts the aar file to a java plugin project. The second C# file is SampleDependencies.cs which is the model for plugin developers to copy and add the specific dependencies needed.
During resolution, all the dependencies from all the plugins are merged and resolved.
Add the unitypackage to your plugin project (assuming you are developing a plugin).
Copy the SampleDependencies.cs file to another name specific to your plugin and add the dependencies your plugin needs.
Reflection is used to access the resolver in order to behave correctly when the project is being loaded into Unity and there is no specific order of class initialization.
For Android dependencies first create and instance of the resolver object:
// Setup the resolver using reflection as the module may not be
// available at compile time.
Type playServicesSupport = Google.VersionHandler.FindClass(
"Google.JarResolver", "Google.JarResolver.PlayServicesSupport");
if (playServicesSupport == null) {
svcSupport = svcSupport ?? Google.VersionHandler.InvokeStaticMethod(
playServicesSupport, "CreateInstance",
new object[] {
Then add dependencies. For example to depend on play-services-games version 9.6.0, you need to specify the package, artifact, and version as well as the packageId from the SDK manager in case a updated version needs to be downloaded from the SDK Manager in order to build.
svcSupport, "DependOn",
new object[] {
"9.6.0" },
namedArgs: new Dictionary<string, object>() {
{"packageIds", new string[] { "extra-google-m2repository" } }
The version value supports both specific versions such as 8.1.0, and also the trailing '+' indicating "or greater" for the portion of the number preceding the period. For example 8.1.+ would match 8.1.2, but not 8.2. The string "8+" would resolve to any version greater or equal to 8.0. The meta version 'LATEST' is also supported meaning the greatest version available, and "0+" indicates any version.
Android manifest variable processing
Some aar files (notably play-services-measurement) contain variables that are processed by the Android Gradle plugin. Unfortunately, Unity does not perform the same processing, so this plugin handles known cases of this variable substition by exploding the aar and replacing ${applicationId} with the bundleID.
iOS Dependency Management
iOS dependencies are identified using Cocoapods. Cocoapods is run as a post build process step. The libraries are downloaded and injected into the XCode project file directly, rather than creating a separate xcworkspace.
To add a dependency you first need an instance of the resolver. Reflection is used to safely handle race conditions when Unity is loading the project and the order of class initialization is not known.
Type iosResolver = Google.VersionHandler.FindClass(
"Google.IOSResolver", "Google.IOSResolver");
if (iosResolver == null) {
Dependencies for iOS are added by referring to CocoaPods. The libraries and frameworks are added to the Unity project, so they will automatically be included.
This example add the GooglePlayGames pod, version 5.0 or greater, disabling bitcode generation.
iosResolver, "AddPod",
new object[] { "GooglePlayGames" },
namedArgs: new Dictionary<string, object>() {
{ "version", "5.0+" },
{ "bitcodeEnabled", false },
Disabling automatic resolution
Automatic resolution can be disabled in the Settings dialog, Assets > Google Play Services > Settings.
How it works
When the dependency is added, the maven-metadata.xml file is read for this dependency. If there are no versions available (or the dependency is not found), there is an exception thrown. When the metadata is read, the list of known versions is filtered based on the version constraint. The remaining list of version is known as possible versions.
The greatest value of the possible versions is known as the best version. The best version is what is used to perform resolution.
Resolution is done by following the steps:
- All dependencies are added to the "unresolved" list. Then for each dependency in unresolved:
- check if there is already a candidate artifact
if there is not, use the greatest version available (within the constraint) as the candidate and remove from the unresolved list.
If there is an existing candidate, check if the unresolved version is satisfied by the candidate version.
- If it is, remove it from the unresolved list.
- If it is not, remove possible versions from the dependencies that have non-concrete version constraints (i.e. have a + in the version).
- If there
- If there are still possible versions to check, add the dependency to the end of the unresolved list for re-processing with a new version candidate.
- If there are no possible versions, then the SDK Manager is used to download and updated versions of the libraries based on the packageId.
- If there still are no possible versions to resolve both the candidate and the unresolved dependencies, then either fail resolution with an exception, or use the greatest version value.
When a candidate version is selected, the pom file is read for that version and the
If there is a candidate version, add it to the candidate list and remove from the unresolved.
- Process transitive dependencies 5. for each candidate artifact, read the pom file for dependencies and add them to the unresolved list.