Knife Pattern Virtualization

This repository contains the code for the thesis "Cutting edge research: virtualization of knife striation patterns".


The code is written in Python 3.9. The required packages are listed in the requirements.txt file. To install the packages, run the following command in the terminal:

pip install -r requirements.txt


The code can be run by executing the file.

python3 [options] <knife> <knife angle> <sample1> <sample1 angle> <sample2> <sample2 angle> <desired angle> <output>

The arguments are:

  • knife: the path to the knife image
  • knife angle: the angle of the knife in degrees
  • sample1: the path to the first sample image
  • sample1 angle: the angle of the first sample in degrees
  • sample2: the path to the second sample image
  • sample2 angle: the angle of the second sample in degrees
  • desired angle: the angle of the desired virtual sample in degrees
  • output: the path to the output image

The options are:

  • -h, --help: show the help message and exit
  • -v, --verbose: show the progress of the program
  • --no-cache (default: False): do not use the cache
  • --cores [CORES] (default: 4): the number of cores to use
  • --res [RES] (default: 20): the resolution to fit the knife
  • --iter [ITER] (default: 3): the number of iterations to fit of the knife