This is a small project over 2 weeks created for 2 modules for my school:
- PRW3 (The API parts of the project)
- AWA1 (The animation and design of the project)
I had another startpage previously, downloaded from /wg/ and slightly modified but it had some bugs. So one year after I had the idea to create a new one that fits me.
You can see the difference there, I think.
The left pannel show greetings and your current time and weather (editable)
The middle pannel show the search bar (customizable) and your favorites and also the CFF schedule called with the terminal
The right pannel is where the terminal is and also the RSS flux pannel
You can simply edit the parameters of the app inside the var.js file
It's really simple to use it. There's a help inside the terminal.
Get your custom app identification
This version requires you to login each time you want to use Soundcloud, it's because there's no need of a PHP server.
The left pannel is pretty much self explained, there's no ambiguous way to use it because there's no way to actually use it.
Simply add "!" to search something, if you don't put "!" you will search on the first searchengine.
Just click on the link or the shortcut
There's many command on the terminal, but you will use the "f " to open the bookmark wanted. Everything else is in the help of each fonction.
Simply click on the link to open the article
I don't have any more ideas or maybe 1 or 2 like Riot Games api for games but I will see if I have the time to do it. So you can send me your recommendations inside the issues part of the project.