WizCraft is a cutting-edge Command Line Interface (CLI) tool developed to simplify the process of dataset preprocessing for machine learning tasks. It aims to provide a seamless and efficient experience for data scientists of all levels, facilitating the preparation of data for various machine-learning applications.
Check out the Contribution Guide if you want to Contribute to this project
- Load and preprocess your dataset effortlessly through a Command Line Interface (CLI).
- View dataset statistics, null value counts, and perform data imputation.
- Encode categorical variables using one-hot encoding.
- Normalize and standardize numerical features for better model performance.
- Download the preprocessed dataset with your desired modifications.
- Run the pip command:
pip install wiz-craft
- To use the module, use the commands:
from wizcraft.preprocess import Preprocess wiz_obj = Preprocess() wiz_obj.start()
- Follow the on-screen prompts to load your dataset, select target variables, and perform preprocessing tasks.
- View statistics and properties of numeric columns.
- Explore unique values and statistics of categorical columns.
- Display a snapshot of the dataset.
- Show NULL value counts in each column.
- Remove specific columns or fill NULL values with mean, median, or mode.
- Identify and list categorical columns.
- Perform one-hot encoding on categorical columns.
- Normalize (Min-Max scaling) or standardize (Standard Scaler) numerical columns.
- Download the modified dataset with applied preprocessing steps.
Advanced Data Imputation Techniques: Adding support for advanced data imputation techniques, such as K-nearest neighbours (KNN) imputation.
Improved UI and UX using Rich
Undo/Redo Option for each step
Extension for NLP tasks (like tokenization, stemming)
User-Friendly Interface: Improving the user interface to provide more interactive and user-friendly features, such as progress bars, error handling, and clear instructions.
Using Curses for terminal Manipulation.
Check out the Contribution Guide if you want to contribute to this project