
FrontEnd Progress Bar

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This a Frontend Assignment - Progress Bars


  • Behaviours
  • Multiple bars
  • One set of controls that can control each bar on the fly
  • Can't go under 0
  • Can go over 100, but limit the bar itself and change its colour
  • Display usage amount, centered
  • Write tests for your code (hint: TDD strongly preferred)
  • Implement a responsive solution: testing it on mobile, tablet, etc. Getting it working nicely.
  • Animate the bar change, make sure it works well when you tap buttons quickly.
  • Publish your code online somewhere: github or something like plnkr.co, jsfiddle.net
  • Bonus points for implementing "production quality" code, using practices such as:
  • Setting it up as a project
  • Setting up some automated tools
  • Version control (git)
  • Linting, code quality, etc
  • JavaScript/CSS minification, packaging, etc
  • Using a CSS preprocessor like SASS/SCSS
  • Styling it to a production quality level


I decided to create a git project to be able to work on it remotely and keep all changes stored for versioning issues.

I decided to use grunt.js to build the project automatically.

  • use concat task to concat all my js file and import in the project;
  • use wiredep to built the project with all the bower_components linking the js files and css files;

I decided to use bower to be able to keep all third part frameworks and plugin always updated and tracked.

I decided to use this following frameworks:

  • Jquery [ bases for a lot front-end frameworks ]
  • Bootstrap [ one of my favorite framework to avoid responsive issue and create easly 'flat' and 'modern' website ]
  • Bootstrap-select [ one important plugin to integrate 'selectpicker' in bootstrap style ]
  • reactive [ use this important DOM-Manipulator framework was the main goal of this task ]


Next steps to improve the project will be

  • use SCSS/SASS preprocess and add 'compass' task to gruntfile.js
  • use require.js to manange all the bower packages and import the right one in the right moment.

For the moment I didn't use sass preprocessor because I've met few issues with compass-watch and I decided to use as first release CSS files.