
External tool to check metrics from prometheus.

Primary LanguageGo

Metrics Checker

To check metrics fetched from prometheus during testing tidb and other PingCAP products.

Check develop note for roadmap, TODOs and external documentations.

Quick Start

Metrics checker periodically checks query given in PromQL.

A query is satisified if it returns:

  • nonempty vector. (vector: return a table in grafana's explore view)
  • non-nil scalar. (scalar: return a single line)

When a query is satisified, metric checker will send alert -- in current implementation it just fails.

    - tag: uptime
      promql: rate(process_start_time_seconds{tidb_cluster="", job="tikv"}[1m]) != 0
        # Place the PromQL you want to check here.
        # They should return a bool value.

Minimum config file. More config examples are in directory config_examples.

  • Place it in ./config.yaml, or --config {filepath}.
  • Pass it with --config-base64 flag. This will override the former method.

Specify the prometheus address and run:

./metrics-checker --address
# output:
# 2021/01/25 15:21:07 Start checking metrics after 0s
# 2021/01/25 15:21:07 Start checking metrics
# 2021/01/25 15:21:07 Prometheus address:
# 2021/01/25 15:21:07 checking query: sum(rate(tidb_session_transaction_duration_seconds_count[5m])) > bool sum(rate(tidb_session_transaction_duration_seconds_count[10m]))

Visualization with grafana

Add metrics you want to show in config.yaml:

  tps_1m: sum(rate(tidb_session_transaction_duration_seconds_count[1m]))
  tps_10m: sum(rate(tidb_session_transaction_duration_seconds_count[10m]))

Specify grafana api address with --grafana flag, metrics-checker will create a dashboard named "Metrics Checker".

./metrics-checker --address --grafana

Grafana Dashboard

Examples of config file

Examples are in config_examples directory.

Config can also passed by base64 string, make it easier to use in some conditions, like in a container image.

./metrics-checker --config-base64 c3RhcnQtYWZ0ZXI6IDEwMHMKaW50ZXJ2YWw6IDEwcwpydWxlczogICAgIyDlr7kgcHJvbWV0aGV1cyBhcGkg55qEIHF1ZXJ5CiAgICAtIHRhZzogdHBzCiAgICAgIHByb21xbDogc3VtKHJhdGUodGlkYl9zZXNzaW9uX3RyYW5zYWN0aW9uX2R1cmF0aW9uX3NlY29uZHNfY291bnRbMW1dKSkgPiBib29sIDIvMyAqIHN1bShyYXRlKHRpZGJfc2Vzc2lvbl90cmFuc2FjdGlvbl9kdXJhdGlvbl9zZWNvbmRzX2NvdW50WzVtXSkpCg==
# output:
# ...
# 2021/01/26 09:58:37 Load config from base64 string
# 2021/01/26 09:58:37 Start checking metrics after 1m40s