
Branch of Splunk's Bro IDS technology add-on using Bro's built-in JSON log writer

Splunk Add-on for Bro IDS (JSON version)

This TA is a branch of the original TA distributed by Splunk; however, it utilizes Bro's built-in JSON log writer.

Why JSON instead of tab-separated files?

By default, Bro uses its tab-separated value (TSV) format with writing logs to disk. Because these logs are written in this format and contain a header row, the original TA utilizes the INDEXED_EXTRACTIONS directive which makes field extraction a breeze. Unfortunately, it also dramatically increases the amount of storage on disk. At times, this setting can cause the compression ratio of total size on disk to raw data to exceed 3:1 -- which is the inverse of what is supposed to happen. This occurs because the app tells Splunk to index each and every field from every log file that is indexed from Bro.

If your Bro installation is large, this is a problem. For network architecture or cyber security teams, Bro is a mainstay. Most shops elect to turn on most, if not all of the protocol analyzers and may actually add to the log files already being generated.

Moving away from the INDEXED_EXTRACTIONS setting and utilizing search time field extractions using the KV_MODE = JSON directive, the amount of disk usage by Bro within a Splunk deployment decreases dramatically. This is especially true in clustered environments where data and index replication occur and consume additional storage space.

How do I log in JSON format?

Simple. Add the following to your $BRO_HOME/share/bro/site/local.bro file:

@load tuning/json-logs

Seriously, it's that simple. Once your local.bro file is updated, restart Bro :

(for Bro 2.3.X) broctl stop && broctl install && broctl start
(for Bro 2.4.X) broctl deploy

What if we already logged Bro stuff to the default index from Splunk's official TA?

Yeah, I thought of that too. This TA creates a new index called json_bro and will create new sourcetypes of json_bro_*, with * being the name of the log file Bro generates. For example, events from /opt/bro/logs/current/http.log were sourcetyped as bro_http, but will be sourcetyped as json_bro_http; bro_conn will become json_bro_conn, and so on. The events indexed into the bro index with their original sourcetypes will remain. The Splunk official TA can run alongside this TA and will not interfere.

To return all bro_http events, from both the Splunk TA and this TA, use the following search:




Either search string will search for bro_http or json_bro_http sourcetypes and return those events to you. Eventtypes have been remapped to account for the new sourcetypes, so a search of eventtype=bro_http is mapped to index=* (sourcetype=bro_http OR sourcetype=json_bro_http). Also, because the sourcetypes are different, the field extractions for each sourcetype (using Splunk_TA_bro and Bro_TA_json) will perform appropriate field extractions for each sourcetype. This is important for CIM tagging, for example.


  • Troubleshoot why eventtype searches do not return list of all fields
  • Generate samples for use with the eventgen app