- remixed from ProperPrinting's tools
- https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3369444
- https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3547740
- female connector is built in the base and male connector is built in the tools
- big current flows through VBB (24V for ender3) and extruder heater pins, so 4 pins for each are assigned
- required voltages can be driven through VBB and GND by using DC-DC converter
- female connector is installed by 15 degree angle
- pen is moved up and down by using fan signal to speed up
- pen is moved by solenoid and gravity and move up when solenoid is on (=fan is on)
- cura plugin for the plotter is here
- laser voltage is controlled by using fan signal for laser module without pwm signal
- if laser module has pwm signal, 15A mosfet module is not required