Elevator System

This repository contains two implementations of systems handling multiple elevators calls and a simple CLI simulating a behavior of elevators (possible calling from floor/elevator, single stepping, printing state of the system).

Running simulation

Project is sbt-based. Only sbt and JDK are needed to run this program.

Steps to run:

  • run sbt in root directory of this project
  • in sbt
    • run - run the simulation
    • test - run all tests

Simulation usage

  • c (floor) (direction) - call from floor to direction (u - Up, d - Down)
  • e (elevatorNumber) (floor) - call from inside the elevator with index elevatorNumber
  • s - make a single step
  • p - print the state of the system
  • sp - step and print
  • q - quit



Every call is put in the elevator's FIFO queue. Elevator for call from floor choice is round-robin


Calling from a floor:

System looks for the closest elevator (of those going towards this floor or unoccupied) to handle the call. If none found, call is queued in suitable set

Calling from an elevator:

If a call is about a floor in the direction of elevator's movement it is put in a sorted vector of its goals. Otherwise, it is put in the queue of elevator's calls