
HTML Recipes:

JavaScript Optimization:

N.B. I did not consider much in the way of "edge cases" e.g. if there's humans with duplicate names the logic will simply assume you're the first one.

  • Initially upon reading the prompt I was thinking something about optimizing sorting or maybe something to do with a modulo operator.
  • Because the array of strings (names) only contains 5 elements and the native browser .sort() performs well I didn't pursue that route. Although there might be something clever re: avoiding spreading to an array and .sort-ing.
  • I opted to add several base cases that had return values which were less computationally expensive.
  • Finally, I replaced Math.floor(a/b) with (~~(a/b)) which was noted on StackOverflow as being ~20% faster in benchmarks. At the obvious cost of readability.
  • To implement basic benchmarks I used performance.now() which sounded good initially but seemed to lack the resolution I would want for a routine like this that is not terribly complex: most calls were registering at 0ms and even when averaged over the time for several it was typical for me to see averages of .2-.4ms.
  • My conclusion after all this is I'm not sure there was much to gain in my attempts to optimize this as there's not much computationally heavy being done. In a real implementation there would probably be gains by leveraging some form of caching e.g. memoizing the return value for a set of parameters.