
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Does your team ever feel the need to be able to visualize the tasks their given and the progress your team is making? Enter Scrummy! The new virtual scrumboard that all developers will want!

Currently, this version does not allow for individual teams. A workaround would be for your team to create their own database and link to it within the scrumModels.js file.

Stretch goals: Teams being able to access their own scrumboard without changing database link, Bcrypt authentication, Responsive styling, Drag and drop feature for task components

database URL: postgres://cotveney:BTLV945VDEY_9tcBZDk7tpLlgfhP81K1@lallah.db.elephantsql.com/cotveney password: BTLV945VDEY_9tcBZDk7tpLlgfhP81K1