python 3.8.8
Using pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
- delete files under migrations folder, in each app, except ''
- perform following commands
python makemigrations
python migrate
python runserver
or with specific ip and port
python runserver ip:port
Check /common/
This app provides operations to manipulate an account.
Users can create a new account
- Request Type: POST
- Request Address: /account/register/
- Request Fields:
- email: String
- password: String
- first_name: String
- last_name: String
- Return Fields:
- code: Integer
- msg: String
- Sample Request:
'email': '',
'password': '123',
'first_name': 'test',
'last_name': 'gg'
- Sample Return:
# Successfully created
"code": 105,
"msg": "Account created successfully! Let's go!"
# Username exists
"code": 106,
"msg": "This email address is invalid or has been registered, a different email address is required."
# Invalid password
"code": 107,
"msg": "Password must contains at least a digit, a letter, a upper case letter and a symbol, and length is between 8 and 30"
# Errors
"code": 108,
"msg": "Unexpected errors occurred! Please refresh the page and try again!"
Users can sign in if they have registered before
- Request Type: POST
- Request Address: /account/login/
- Request Fields:
- email: String
- password: String
- Return Fields:
- code: Integer
- msg: String
- token: String, provided if sign in information is correct
- Sample Request:
'email': '',
'password': '123',
- Sample Return:
# Successfully signed in
"code": 100,
"msg": "Login successfully! Let's go!",
"token": "bb41305c3996ab47e4d729821b3c6232c003099d"
# Wrong login information
"code": 101,
"msg": "Wrong username/password!"
Users can sign out if they have signed in
- Request Type: POST
- Request Address: /account/logout/
- Request Fields:
- token: String
- Return Fields:
- code: Integer
- msg: String
- Sample Request:
'token': 'de99673b5ca9832e5a4f616c8ec81f563f4e0d84',
- Sample Return:
# Successfully log out
"code": 115,
"msg": "Log out performed, token was disabled."
# wrong token
"code": 120,
"msg": "Error! Token authentication failed."
Users can get their information
- Request Type: POST
- Request Address: /account/get/
- Request Fields:
- token: String
- Return Fields:
- code: Integer
- msg: String
- details:
- first name: String
- last name: String
- email: String
- birthday: Date
- Sample Request:
'token': '611088d71f3044dd640b9f9209e92d60786a0d5a',
'contact_id': 2,
- Sample Return:
"code": 125,
"msg": "User information was retrieved successfully.",
"details": {
"email": "123",
"birthday": "2021-10-25T09:40:23.207Z",
"first_name": "gg",
"last_name": "ww"
Users can update their general information
- Request Type: POST
- Request Address: /account/update/
- Request Fields:
- token: String, mandatory
- with one of more of following parameter(s)
- birthday: Date
- first_name: String
- last_name: String
- password: String
- email: String, must be unique or failure on updating
- Return Fields:
- code: Integer
- msg: String
- Sample Request:
'token': 'a8313daaf222e91d76dacd5ae4986b7f52b3c7d8',
'first_name': '321',
'last_name': '3333',
'birthday': '2011-01-02'
- Sample Return:
# Invalid password update attempt
"code": 109,
"msg": "Password must contains at least a digit, a letter, a upper case letter and a symbol, and length is between 8 and 30"
# Email update collision
"code": 110,
"msg": "This email address is invalid or has been registered, a different email address is required."
# Successfully updated
"code": 111,
"msg": "User information was updated successfully."
# Unexpected error (Unused)
"code": 112
"msg": "Unexpected errors occurred! Please refresh the page and try again!"
# Invalid token
"code": 120,
"msg": "Error! Token authentication failed."
Contact feature
Users can add a contact
- Request Type: POST
- Request Address: /contact/add/
- Request Fields:
- token: String
- first_name: String
- last_name: String
- Return Fields:
- code: Integer
- msg: String
- details:
- contact_id: Integer
- Sample Request:
'token': '611088d71f3044dd640b9f9209e92d60786a0d5a',
'first_name': 'gg',
'last_name': 'uu',
- Sample Return:
# Successfully added
"code": 200,
"msg": "add success"
"contact_id": 1
Users can get all of contacts
- Request Type: POST
- Request Address: /contact/get_all/
- Request Fields:
- token: String
- Return Fields:
- code: Integer
- msg: String
- contacts: List of Contacts, where each contact contains
- id: Integer, contact's ID
- user_id: Integer
- name: String
- email: String
- birthday: Date
- company: String
- phone: String
- mobile: String
- address: String
- relationship: String
- notes: String
- image_address: String
- Sample Request:
'token': '611088d71f3044dd640b9f9209e92d60786a0d5a',
- Sample Return:
"code": 215,
"msg": "get success",
"contacts": [
"id": 2,
"user_id": 1,
"name": "abc",
"company": "",
"email": "",
"phone": "123456",
"mobile": "654321",
"address": "Adddddressssss",
"birthday": "1999-08-01",
"relationship": "None",
"notes": "no",
"image_address": ""
Users can a specific contact
- Request Type: POST
- Request Address: /contact/get/
- Request Fields:
- token: String
- contact_id: Integer
- Return Fields:
- code: Integer
- msg: String
- contacts: List of Contacts, where each contact contains
- id: Integer, contact's ID
- user_id: Integer
- name: String
- email: String
- birthday: Date
- company: String
- phone: String
- mobile: String
- address: String
- relationship: String
- notes: String
- image_address: String
- Sample Request:
'token': '611088d71f3044dd640b9f9209e92d60786a0d5a',
'contact_id': 2,
- Sample Return:
"code": 220,
"msg": "get success",
"contacts": [
"id": 2,
"user_id": 1,
"name": "abc",
"company": "",
"email": "",
"phone": "123456",
"mobile": "654321",
"address": "Adddddressssss",
"birthday": "1999-08-01",
"relationship": "None",
"notes": "no",
"image_address": ""
Users can delete a contact
- Request Type: POST
- Request Address: /contact/delete/
- Request Fields:
- token: String
- contact_id: Integer
- Return Fields:
- code: Integer
- msg: String
- Sample Request:
'token': 'de99673b5ca9832e5a4f616c8ec81f563f4e0d84',
'contact_id': 2,
- Sample Return:
# Successfully deleted
"code": 205,
"msg": "delete success"
Users can update a contact information
- Request Type: POST
- Request Address: /contact/update/
- Request Fields:
- token: String, mandatory
- contact_id: Integer, contact's ID, mandatory
- with one of more of following parameter(s)
- name: String
- email: String
- birthday: Date
- company: String
- phone: String
- mobile: String
- address: String
- relationship: String
- notes: String
- image_address: String
- Return Fields:
- code: Integer
- msg: String
- Sample Request:
'token': '3b6a7f2885ecbaec38261c2cdf7be0b1263029f7',
'contact_id': 2,
'name': 'abc',
'company': '',
'email': '',
'phone': '123456',
'mobile': '654321',
'address': 'Adddddressssss',
'birthday': 1999-08-01,
'relationship': 'None',
'notes': 'no',
'image_address': '',
- Sample Return:
# Wrong date format provided
"code": 211,
"msg": "['“2011-01-” value has an invalid format. It must be in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM[:ss[.uuuuuu]][TZ] format.']"
# Successfully updated
"code": 210,
"msg": "updated"
Users can add a contact's story
- Request Type: POST
- Request Address: /story/add/
- Request Fields:
- token: String
- contact_id: Integer
- location: String
- date: Date
- content: String
- Return Fields:
- code: Integer
- msg: String
- Sample Request:
'token': '611088d71f3044dd640b9f9209e92d60786a0d5a',
'contact_id': 3,
'location': 'mel',
'content': 'what???',
'date': 2020-01-21
- Sample Return:
# Successfully added
"code": 400,
"msg": "add success"
Users can get stories of a contact
- Request Type: POST
- Request Address: /story/get_all/
- Request Fields:
- token: String
- contact_id: Integer
- Return Fields:
- code: Integer
- msg: String
- Stories: List of Stories, where each story contains
- id: Integer, story's ID
- contact_id: Integer
- location: String
- date: Date
- content: String
- Sample Request:
'token': '611088d71f3044dd640b9f9209e92d60786a0d5a',
'contact_id': 5
- Sample Return:
"code": 405,
"msg": "get success",
"Stories": [
"id": 2,
"contact_id": 1,
"location": "mel",
"content": "what???",
"date": 2020-01-21
Users can get a story of a contact
- Request Type: POST
- Request Address: /story/get/
- Request Fields:
- token: String
- contact_id: Integer
- story_id: Integer
- Return Fields:
- code: Integer
- msg: String
- Stories: List of Stories, where each story contains
- id: Integer, story's ID
- contact_id: Integer
- location: String
- date: Date
- content: String
- Sample Request:
'token': '611088d71f3044dd640b9f9209e92d60786a0d5a',
'contact_id': 5,
'story_id': 6
- Sample Return:
"code": 410,
"msg": "get success",
"Stories": [
"id": 2,
"contact_id": 1,
"location": "mel",
"content": "what???",
"date": 2020-01-21
Users can update a contact's story information
- Request Type: POST
- Request Address: /story/update/
- Request Fields:
- token: String, mandatory
- contact_id: Integer, contact's ID, mandatory
- story_id: Integer, story's ID, mandatory
- with one of more of following parameter(s)
- location: String
- date: String
- content: Date
- Return Fields:
- code: Integer
- msg: String
- Sample Request:
'token': '3b6a7f2885ecbaec38261c2cdf7be0b1263029f7',
'contact_id': 2,
'story_id': 5,
'company': '',
'location': 'Melbourne',
'date': 1999-08-01,
'content': 'None',
- Sample Return:
# Wrong date format provided
"code": 416,
"msg": "['“2011-01-” value has an invalid format. It must be in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM[:ss[.uuuuuu]][TZ] format.']"
# Successfully updated
"code": 415,
"msg": "updated"
Users can delete a story
- Request Type: POST
- Request Address: /story/delete/
- Request Fields:
- token: String
- contact_id: Integer
- story_id: Integer
- Return Fields:
- code: Integer
- msg: String
- Sample Request:
'token': 'de99673b5ca9832e5a4f616c8ec81f563f4e0d84',
'contact_id': 2,
'story_id': 3
- Sample Return:
# Successfully deleted
"code": 425,
"msg": "delete success"
Users can create a group
- Request Type: POST
- Request Address: /group/create/
- Request Fields:
- token: String
- name: String
- Return Fields:
- code: Integer
- msg: String
- Sample Request:
- Sample Return:
# Successfully added
"code": 500,
"msg": "create group success"
Users can add contacts to different group
- Request Type: POST
- Request Address: /group/add_contact_group/
- Request Fields:
- token: String
- group_id: Integer
- contact_id: Integer
- Return Fields:
- code: Integer
- msg: String
- Sample Request:
"token": "3067a0ce9c21c40dbd573695e517bcae186525d6",
- Sample Return:
"code": 507,
"msg": "add contact success"
Users can delete a contact from a group
- Request Type: POST
- Request Address: /group/delete_contact_group/
- Request Fields:
- token: String
- group_id: Integer
- contact_id: Integer
- Return Fields:
- code: Integer
- msg: String
- Sample Request:
"token": "3067a0ce9c21c40dbd573695e517bcae186525d6",
- Sample Return:
"code": 504,
"msg": "delete contact success"
Users can delete a group
- Request Type: POST
- Request Address: /group/delete/
- Request Fields:
- token: String
- group_id: Integer
- Return Fields:
- code: Integer
- msg: String
- Sample Request:
"token": "3067a0ce9c21c40dbd573695e517bcae186525d6",
- Sample Return:
# Successfully deleted
"code": 503,
"msg": "delete group sucess"
Users can create a event in calendar.
- Request Type: POST
- Request Address: /calendar/create_event/
- Request Fields:
- token: String
- location: String
- start_time: Date
- end_time: Date
- related_people: String
- comment: String
- name: String
- category: String
- date: Date
- Return Fields:
- code: Integer
- msg: String
- Sample Request:
"token": "3067a0ce9c21c40dbd573695e517bcae186525d6",
"start_time":"2021-11-11 10:10",
"end_time":"2021-11-11 10:10",
"comment":"love", "name":"express love",
"category":"life", "date":"2021-11-01"
- Sample Return:
"code": 513,
"msg": "create event successfuly"
Users can edit event's detail in case it may change in the future
- Request Type: POST
- Request Address: /calendar/get_day_events/
- Request Fields:
- token: String
- date: Date
- Return Fields:
- code: Integer
- msg: String
- Sample Request:
"token": "3067a0ce9c21c40dbd573695e517bcae186525d6",
- Sample Return:
"code": 517, "jobects": "[{"model": "mycalendar.event", "pk": 2, "fields": {"name": "express love", "user_id": "1", "location": "baotou", "start_time": "2021-11-11T10:10:00Z", "end_time": "2021-11-11T10:10:00Z", "related_people": "dlx", "date": "2021-11-01", "comments": "love", "category": "life"}}]"
Users can edit event's detail in case it may change in the future
- Request Type: POST
- Request Address: /calendar/update_event/
- Request Fields:
- token: String
- location: String
- start_time: Date
- end_time: Date
- related_people: String
- comment: String
- name: String
- category: String
- Return Fields:
- code: Integer
- msg: String
- Sample Request:
"id":"2","location":"baotou","name":"express love"
- Sample Return:
"code": 519,
"msg": "update event successfuly"
Users can delete a event
- Request Type: POST
- Request Address: /calendar/delete_event/
- Request Fields:
- token: String
- id: Integer
- Return Fields:
- code: Integer
- msg: String
- Sample Request:
"token": "3067a0ce9c21c40dbd573695e517bcae186525d6",
- Sample Return:
# Successfully deleted
"code": 515,
"msg": "delete event succ"