Python - AirBnB Clone


This is the first step towards creating our own clone of the AirBnB webpage. For this first fiew packages we are developing the console part of the whole project. The console is fully functional in various areas, such as creating new models, showing information, and is also able to update information. All of this is information is saved by serializing the information from a dictionary format into json format. Last, this serialized information can be deserialized so it can be accessed as well as updated.

The how to:

  1. First you should type ./ into the command interpret.
  2. Now that you are in the fully functional console, you have several features to choose from to use:

Create - with this feature you can create a new BaseModel and once you push enter it will show you the id of the neww created BaseModel.

Show - this feature shows you the information of a specific BaseModel + id given.

Destroy - as the name states, it destroys a BaseModel by also specifying the id.

All - shows all the saved information, or you can also specify "all BaseModel" and shows all BaseModels

Update - by specifying update + class name id attribute name attribute value, you can update the chosen attribute.

Here we are using create:

Here we are create a new BaseModel, then we show it and last we destroy it:


Here we are using the feature all:

Last but not least, here we use the update feature:


  • All files will be interpreted/compiled on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS using python3 (version 3.8.5)
  • The first line of all files start with #!/usr/bin/python3
  • Code uses the pycodestyle (version 2.7.x)
  • All files will be executables
  • Length of files will be tested using wc

Python Test Cases - Unittest

  • All files are under the /tests folder
  • All tests files are python files - extension .py
  • All test were executed using: python3 -m unittest discover tests

File Description

Model files (/models): - contains class Amenity. - contains class BaseModel. - contains class City. - contains class Place. - contains class Review. - contains class State. - contains class User - package initializer.

Storage setion /models/engine: - engine package initializer. - contains methods which save and reload data.

Test files with /tests: - tests package initializer. - contains the test corresponding to the console.

Model testing files with /tests/test_models: - models test package initializer. - test corresponding to the Amenity class. - test corresponding to the BaseModel class. - test corresponding to the City class. - test corresponding to the Place class. - test corresponding to the Review class. - test corresponding to the State class. - test corresponding to the User class.

Engine testing files with /tests/test_models/test_engine: - tests engine package initializer. - tests if files are being stored correctly. - contains the entry point of the command interpreter.

Front end step-by-step files /web_static:

0-index.html - HTML page that displays a header & footer.

1-index.html - based on 0 + style & head tags.

2-index.html - based on 1 + using CSS.

2-common.css - for global style - CSS.

2-header.css - for header style - CSS.

2-footer.css - for footer style - CSS.

3-index.html - based on 2-index.html.

3-common.css - for global style - CSS.

3-header.css - for header style - CSS.

3-footer.css - for footer style - CSS.

4-index.html - based on 3-index.html.

4-common.css - for the global style (body and .container styles)

4-filters.css - for filters style - CSS.

5-index.html - based on 4-index.html.

5-filters.css - for filters style - CSS.

6-index.html - based on 5-index.html.

6-filters.css - for the filters style - CSS.

7-index.html - based on 6-index.html.

7-places.css - for the places style - CSS.

8-index.html - based on 7-index.html.

8-places.css - for the places style - CSS.


Written by Denisse Landau and Santiago Rodriguez