
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Post-It App This is a web application for creating and managing posts, designed to showcase the use of Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and various other libraries and tools.

Getting Started To get started with the project, you'll need to do the following:

Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/Pinocchio009/PostIT.git Install the dependencies: npm install Set up the environment variables by creating a .env file and adding the following: HOST = "localhost" MONGO_DB_LOCAL = "mongodb://localhost/27017" SECRET = "secret"

Start the server: npm start

Authentication POST /logout - log out from an existing user account POST /login - log in to an existing user account Posts POST /posts - create a new post-it GET /posts - retrieve all posts GET /posts/:id - retrieve a single post-it by ID PUT /posts/:id - update a post-it by ID DELETE /posts/:id - delete a post-it by ID comments POST /posts/:id/comments - create a new reply for a post-it GET /posts/:id/comments - retrieve all comments GET /posts/:id/comments/:id - retrieve a single reply by ID PUT /posts/:id/comments/:id - update a reply by ID DELETE /comments/:id - delete a reply by ID Users Get /users - get all users Get /users/:id - get single user Post /users - register new user Put- /users/:id - update already created user Delete - /users/:id - delete user GET /users/@ - retrieve a user by handle GET /users/@/posts - retrieve all posts by user handle Authentication The authentication system is based on JSON Web Tokens (JWTs). When a user signs up or logs in, the server generates a JWT that is returned to the client. The client must include this JWT in the Authorization header of all subsequent requests that require authentication.

Validation The API routes use the Joi library to validate user input. If the input is invalid, the server will return a 400 Bad Request response with an error message describing the validation error.

Authorization To ensure that users can only modify their own posts and comments, the server checks the JWT included in the Authorization header to determine the user ID of the current user. When creating a new post-it or reply, the user ID is included in the object being saved to the database. When updating or deleting a post-it or reply, the server checks the user ID of the object being modified against the user ID in the JWT, and only allows the modification if they match.

Sorting When retrieving posts, they are sorted by newest first. That is, newly created posts come first and the old ones last.

Deletion When a post-it or reply is deleted, it is marked as deleted in the database rather than actually being removed. This allows deleted objects to be filtered out of query results, but still allows the server to maintain a complete history of all objects that were created.

Future Improvements Some potential improvements that could be made to the application include:

Implementing pagination for retrieving large numbers of posts and comments Adding more advanced filtering options for posts and comments (e.g. by date range or user)

link to the database design: https://dbdesigner.page.link/xuxvGj47n9kAXqXMA

link to the live url: https://postit-5g4l.onrender.com

link to the api documentation: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/18013502/2s93JtQixL