
Reproduction of an unexpected change between envalid@7.2.2 and envalid@7.3.0

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Envalid issue repro

This repo demonstrates an unexpected change between envalid 7.2.2 and 7.3.0


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Differences between envalid@7.2.2 and envalid@7.3.0

Output with 7.2.2:

typeof env.TEST: object
typeof env.TEST_CUSTOM: object

Output with 7.3.0:

typeof env.TEST: string
typeof env.TEST_CUSTOM: string

On 7.2.2, setting the default value to be {} or an object gives you an object out for the built-in json validator. But on 7.3.0, the default value is passed directly. While the built-in JSON validator is fine with both a string or an object pre 7.3.0, custom validators could potentially break, since default values were ran through the validator.

Trying to set TEST_CUSTOM default value to an object in 7.2.2 will result in a parsing error. Leaving it to a string in 7.2.2 gives you an object out. However, when you upgrade to 7.3.0, you'll get the default values directly, so TEST_CUSTOM is suddenly a string.