Scream is a powercord plugin to let you scream with a message! To use it, go into your powercord plugins folder and type git clone
. Also you can automatically see what people scream. aHHaHAAaahaahaAahhahAAhAAHhhahAaahAhAhAaAhAhAhHaahAAAhaAaHHhAHAHHaahAAHAAhaHhAHAAhaaAHhAAhhAHhAaAaHAAHhAAhAAHhhAHhAhAhHA
Remember, all of these commands need to start with your powercord command prefix (replace .
with whatever your prefix is)!
.scream <message>
- Scream.descream <message>
- Decode a scream and send it.silentdescream <message>
- Decode a scream without sending it