
Frontend Challenge

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Welcome to Pintellect challenge bulit specifically for Vanhackers!

Frontend Challenge


  • We are making our frontend 100% from scratch using React + Redux. It's one frontend independent and connected to our backend only through API calls.
  • We want to able to to make highlights and annotations on top of PDF files. For that we know some open source tools that you can use for it:
  • The frontend needs to be agnostic for HTML content or PDF content


  • The challenge consists in building one inteface that given a JSON, you can render a page with the ability to create highlights and annotations in a PDF (if the JSON says it is a PDF) or in a HTML
  • You need to use React + Redux
  • You don't need to post anything to the backend, but would be nice to mock your backend call in actions to:
    • Load the json (get to /api/posts/<post_id>)
    • Create annotation (post to /api/posts/<post_id>/annotation)

Steps to complete

  • Load the JSONs from the API call (mocked)
  • Render the proper view according with the content type
    • render the over layer for PDF contents
    • render the html body for html content
  • Add a highlight on top of the content rendered
  • Save the highlight in the backend (post mocked)
  • Add an annotation related with this new highlight
  • Save the annotation in the backend (post mocked)
  • Be happy, you made it :)

What we want to see

  • Good usage of React (components)
  • Actions to be called in React
  • Reducers using Redux
  • Over layer for PDF content
  • Good practices in the code

Screen References

MVP with one highlight and annotation for HTML content alt textMVP with one highlight and annotation for HTML content