
Clean LaTeX template for a thesis or a large writeup.

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT

.github/workflows/latex.yml MIT Latest release

LaTeX Thesis Template

Clean LaTeX template for a thesis or a large writeup. You can see here the generated PDF.


You need a working LaTeX enviroment installed in your system.


If you want to add source code to your document and therefore use the minted package, you need to make sure to have Python and the pygments package installed in your system. You can take a look at the documentation to have a better insight.

Note that this setup is default but not mandatory for the template, if you don't need to write code in your document just remove the minted package from the config.tex file (and of course the example code in the first chapter).

Getting started

In order to compile the template you just need to navigate to the src folder and execute the command:



If you use Overleaf, Visual Studio Code or any other editor just compile everything as usual.

File structure

├── .github                               
|   ├── workflows
|       ├── latex.yml               # Action to compile and upload the PDF document to the workflow tab  
├── src                             # Where the actual template is               
│   ├── Chapters                    # Chapters of the document
|       ├── AppendixA               
|           ├── Index.tex           # Entrypoint of Appendix A, here you should link your sections
|           ├── Section1.tex        # First section of the appendix
|           └── ...
|       ├── Chapter1
|           ├── Index.tex           # Entrypoint of Chapter 1, here you should link your sections
|           ├── Section1.tex        # First section of the chapter
|           └── ...
|       └── ...
│   ├── FrontBack                   # Material of the frontpage or the backpage
|       ├── Abstract.tex            # Abstract of the document
|       ├── Bibliography.tex        # Add the bibliography to the document, customizable
|       ├── Conclusions.tex         # Conclusions of the document
|       ├── Frontespizio.tex        # Frontpage of the document
|       ├── Quote.tex               # An initial quote 
|       └── Titleback.tex           # Page behind the frontpage
|   ├── Images                      # Where images are located
|       └── logo.png                # Logo in the frontpage, replace with your logo
│   |── Bibliography.bib            # Bibliography entries
|   |── config.tex                  # Configuration (e.g. packages, theorems etc.)
|   |── main.tex                    # Main file, it is what you have to compile
|   └── .latexmkrc                  # Contains the commands to compile the document
|── .gitignore
|── CITATION.cff
└── README.md

Configuration file

It is the file config.tex. It contains some pre-included packages and defines the \abs command for the absolute value. It also defines the ambients Postulate, Definition and Theorem. More info here.

Included packages

Included Github action

Used in order to compile the document and to upload it to the workflow tab. More info here.