
Online Assessment for CERN.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Tests Pylint

Online Assessment for CERN.

How to run

First of all you have to create your virtual environment (python3 -m venv env). Then activate it and execute the following commands:

pip install .                           # It installs the package
python3 -m cern_oa.dep_graph            # It executes the script

How to test

pip install .[test]                     # It installs the package and the test dependencies
python3 -m pytest                       # It executes the tests

File structure

The project has the following file structure.

├── .github/                                # Github actions
│   └── workflows/                          # Workflows                         
│       ├── pylint.yml                      # Pylint workflow
│       └── python-package.yml              # Python workflow
├── src/                                    # Source code
│   └── cern_oa/                            # Package
│       ├── tmp/                            # Temporary files
│       │   └── deps.json                   # Example json
│       ├── __init__.py                     # Package init
│       └── dep_graph.py                    # Main script
├── tests/                                  # Tests
│   ├── __init__.py                         # Tests init
│   └── test_dep_graph.py                   # Tests for the main script
├── .gitignore                              # Git ignore file
├── LICENSE                                 # License file
├── pyproject.toml                          # Package configuration file
├── .pylintrc                               # Pylint configuration file
└── README.md                               # This file