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MIP*=RE is a breakthrough result, shaking the world of physics, mathematics and computer science, all at once. Results like this are exceptionally rare, and trying to overcome the complexity of them to grasp the deep meaning behind them is something definitely worth it.

We start with a brief overlook of the fundamental concepts needed to understand the work. While some basic knowledge of quantum mechanics is taken for granted, we introduce all the key points necessary to understand the basis of quantum computation.

We continue then by giving all the necessary definitions: e.g. correlations, interactive proofs, non localgames and so on. We finally reach the point where we can state our result; note that we don't provide a formal proof of it, as it would cannibalize all the work given its length and technicality, but only a very high level overview.

After that we discuss the chain of implications that this result implies: we mainly focus on the computer science side, namely the relation between Tsirelson's problem and the complexity of non-local games. Connes embedding problem is definitely worth presenting, however we will skip the details, as more related to pure mathematics than computer science.