
The tutorial used in the talk "Build your own Heroku with Cloud Native stack" in Kubecon NA 2022.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Cloud Native Heroku

The tutorial of the talk "Tutorial: Build Your Own Heroku With Cloud Native Stack" by Muvaffak Onus, Upbound & Sidarta Aguiar de Oliveira, Grupo Boticário.

You can follow the guide in the following order:

  1. 00-heroku.md: Hello world with Heroku.
  2. 01-install.md: Install Backstage, ArgoCD and Crossplane.
  3. 02-hello-world-backstage.md: A hello world software template for Backstage.
  4. 03-image-and-chart.md: Add image publishing and a Helm chart to our software template.
  5. 04-argocd.md: Continuously deploy our service instance right after creation using ArgoCD.
  6. 05-crossplane.md: Add infrastructure provisioning capabilities for our service.
  7. 06-next-steps: Next steps after the tutorial!

Feel free to drop a line to me at Twitter or muvaf at Crossplane Slack.