
Universal Javascript sample application with React Router 4 and Express 5 (Enhanced version of https://github.com/lmammino/judo-heroes)

Following Luciano Mammino's tutorial:





git clone https://github.com/PiotrBerebecki/react-universal-app-judo-heroes.git
cd react-universal-app-judo-heroes
yarn # or `npm i` if not using yarn

Available commands

Available commands to run with npm run:

  • start: build the production package and run the production server (no universal)
  • start:universal: build the production package and run the production server with universal rendering
  • start:dev: build the dev package and run the server in dev mode (no universal rendering — auto-restarts on changes)
  • start:dev:universal: build the dev package and run the server in dev mode with universal rendering (auto-restarts on changes)
  • build: build the production package
  • build:dev: build the dev package
  • build:dev:watch: build the dev package in watch mode (listen for changes and re-build immediately)