
Flutter wizard project creation inspired by spring boot starter

Primary LanguageDart


A Flutter wizard inspired by spring boot starter


Flutter can make many things for you. It can help you to build apps for multiple target platforms like android, ios, linux, macos and windows.

It can be hard for beginners to compose with all of these options.

This app generates for you flutter create, flutter pub add commands with few clicks:

  • name your package

  • name your app

  • add a description

  • select your dependencies

And voilĂ  !

Pub.dev API

We use the pub.dev API to fetch packages data.

Get package completion

curl https://pub.dev/api/package-name-completion-data

Get single package informations

curl https://pub.dev/api/packages/:packageName

Get single package score informations

curl https://pub.dev/api/packages/:packageName/score

Generated sources

This project uses generated sources. Type the following command to refresh generated sources

flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs