
Execute asynchronous, long-running tests in Orleans and produce TRX results via an HTTP web api endpoint.

Primary LanguageF#MIT LicenseMIT


Execute asynchronous, long-running tests in Orleans and produce TRX results via an HTTP web api endpoint.

The diagram is obviously heavily simplified as where the project shines is hundreds, thousands and more long-running asynchronous tests.

Good application for this are large suites of smoke/integration tests that take seconds each to run. With this solution, such tests can be distributed across a cluster of many Orleans silos, executed concurrently and their results are combined into a TRX file required by build pipelines.


Web api response (TRX represented as string, straight from firefox):

Produced TRX file viewed in visual studio code using a Trx viewer.


At the moment, a slightly more sophisticated version of this code is used to execute our smoke tests.

what this is

  • this is a ci/cd companion - it guarantees massively concurrent test* executions for your pipelines
  • this is an alternative for the dotnet test command if used in ci/cd contexts*

disclaimer: *where your tests are asynchronous and long-running

what this is not

  • this is not a replacement for any test framework (e.g. xunit)
  • this is not an automatic test discovery framework - tests need to be kicked off from a starting location (here it is AsynchronousTestsController)
  • this is not a local, development-time test execution platform - there are better test tools for that


  • individual asynchronous, long-running tests (seconds+) are implemented as Orleans grains (here they can be found in Grains -> AsynchronousTests.fs)
  • tests grains are executed in whatever order is required in one starting location (here we are co-hosting Orleans and a web api, so the tests are kicked off by the api controller)
  • after all tests complete, their results are consolidated into a TRX file which is:
    • universally understood by pipelines supporting .net tests results
    • returned by the api controller as string to be used further (e.g. by your ci/cd)

A big thank you to:

who helped build this.


To run, use any of the methods listed below:

  • ./run-silo-local.sh
  • ./run-silo-docker.sh
  • run it from your IDE, but please make sure you have the environment variables set to e.g. DASHBOARDPORT=8081;GATEWAYPORT=3001;PRIMARYPORT=2001;SILOPORT=2001;TESTSAPIPORT=5001

To verify everything is working correctly:

Provided the ports are not changed.