
A Flutter project demonstrating how to write native E2E tests for a Flutter app

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


A Flutter project demonstrating how to write native E2E tests for a Flutter app

Running E2E tests for Android

  1. Switch current directory to android
  2. run ./gradlew app:connectedAndroidTest -Ptarget=pwd/../test_driver/example.dart

Running E2E tests for iOS

  1. Switch current directory to ios
  2. run `xcodebuild test -workspace Runner.xcworkspace -scheme Runner -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 13'

Note: Custom location for iOS tests can be set only manually in running simulator. It can't be achieved through CLI.

Adding native E2E tests to an existing project


  1. Right click on android directory -> Flutter -> Open Android module in Android Studio
  2. In android/app/src add androidTest directory
  3. Under androidTest, add java or kotlin directory (depending on selected language to write the tests)
  4. Under directory from 3., add a new package with name reflecting your app's package
  5. Add first test file, e.g. MainActivityTest.java


  1. Right click on ios directory -> Flutter -> Open iOS module in Xcode
  2. In Xcode, select top level Runner entry (for Runner.xcodeproj), select General tab and click on + button under TARGETS
  3. Search for UI Testing Bundle, then select it and click Next
  4. Set Product Name to RunnerUITests and Organization Identifier to your app's identifier
  5. Click Finish