
Monitor endpoints and expose Prometheus metrics

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Monitor endpoints and expose Prometheus metrics. For now it only supports checking 2 endpoints:

Prometheus endpoint is exposed in /metrics. Exposed metrics are:

  • sample_external_url_up
  • sample_external_url_response_ms

By default status-server add one label to each metric:

  • url


In order to build status-server execute:

$ make build

The outcome binary can be found as _output/status-server

Building docker

In order to build docker image run:

$ make build-docker

Default value of the image is status-sever:latest. It can be modified be setting environment variable IMAGE, e.g:

$ IMAGE=docker.io/my-repo/status-server:v0.0.1 make build-docker


status-server accepts two command lines arguments:

  • -interval - which accepts a duration between consecutive checks. It accepts string which will be parsed as GO's time.Duration, e.g. 100ms or 10s. Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "¬µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h". Defaults to 1s.
  • -port - TCP port that the server will accept requests. By default 8000.

So to run status-server that listens on port 7000 and check urls every 10s run:

$ _output/status-server -interval 10s -port 7000

or as docker container:

$ docker run -it -p 7000:7000 -_name status-server status-server -port 7000 -interval 10s

And to validate it is working run:

$ curl localhost:7000/metrics

It should return such response:

# HELP sample_external_url_response_ms Response time in ms
# TYPE sample_external_url_response_ms gauge
sample_external_url_response_ms{url="https://httpstat.us/200"} 384
sample_external_url_response_ms{url="https://httpstat.us/503"} 396
# HELP sample_external_url_up Whether service is up or down
# TYPE sample_external_url_up gauge
sample_external_url_up{url="https://httpstat.us/200"} 1
sample_external_url_up{url="https://httpstat.us/503"} 0


To run unit tests execute:

$ make tests

Deploying to Kubernetes

In kubernetes directory, one can find kustomization file, deployment and service manifest to deploy status-server to Kubernetes. Before deploying make sure the images section of kustomization.yaml file is edited to point to docker registry where status-server image is present. To deploy in other namespace than default change namespace section of kustomization.yaml file. To install status-server to Kubernetes, execute:

$ kubectl apply -k kubernetes

Testing locally Prometheus integration

I have prepared scripts to deploy Grafana, Prometheus and status-server locally, to be able to test integration between status-server and Prometheus.

The script hack/setup_stack.sh is building status-server docker image, creating docker network and running Prometheus, Grafana and status-server as docker containers in this network. To deploy it execute:

$ hack/setup_stack.sh

Accessing services:

  • localhost:3000 - Grafana, logging in requires to type username admin and password admin, Grafana is already configured to connect to Prometheus and has one default dashboard called Status server
  • localhost:9090 - Prometheus UI, which is already configured to scrape status-server every 10s

Grafana Dashboard: dashboard

Prometheus Graph: graph

Prometheus Config: config

To clean up run hack/teardown_stack.sh script which will remove all docker containers and docker network.