
OpenStreetMap find - A simple command line tool to explore osm data

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A small tool for playing around with osm databases (those resulting from osm2pgsql). Read SETUP_DATABASE.md to learn how to set up the required database.

Note that osm2pgsql by default does not put all available tags into the database and osmf only deals with this limited tag-set.


git clone git@github.com:codesoap/osmf.git
cd osmf
go install
# The binary is now at ~/go/bin/osmf.

If you don't want to install the go compiler, you can download binaries from the latest release page.

Basic Usage

$ # Find all entries within 50m of the center of Bremen, Germany:
$ osmf 53.076 8.807 50
table: planet_osm_polygon
distance_meters: 0
osm_id: -3133460
osm_link: https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/3133460
boundary: political
name: Bremen I
ref: 54
way_area: 427011008.000000

table: planet_osm_polygon
distance_meters: 0
osm_id: -4496501
osm_link: https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/4496501
access: green_sticker_germany
boundary: low_emission_zone
name: Umweltzone Bremen
way_area: 19706300.000000

$ # Use UNIX tools to compact the output:
$ osmf 53.076 8.807 50 | awk '/^$/ /^(distance|osm_link|name)/'
distance_meters: 0
osm_link: https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/3133460
name: Bremen I

distance_meters: 0
osm_link: https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/4496501
name: Umweltzone Bremen

$ # Find a bicycle shop near the center of Bremen:
$ osmf 53.076 8.807 500 shop=bicycle | awk '/^(table|osm_id):/ {next} //'
distance_meters: 244
osm_link: https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/834082330
addr:housenumber: 30-32
name: Velo-Sport
operator: Velo-Sport Ihr Radsporthaus GmbH
shop: bicycle

More Examples

# Find a natural forest of at least 1km²:
osmf 53.076 8.807 3300 natural=wood 'way_area>1e+6'

# Find a bakery:
osmf 53.076 8.807 200 shop=bakery

# Find nearby public transport stations:
osmf 53.076 8.807 200 public_transport=stop_position

# Find nearby hiking routes:
osmf 53.076 8.807 500 route=hiking

# Searching for multiple values of the same tag is also possible:
osmf 53.076 8.807 3000 sport=climbing sport=swimming

# Pro tip: Use "_" to search for any value:
osmf 53.076 8.807 500 sport=_

# Learn about the population of the city and it's urban districts:
osmf 53.076 8.807 10000 population=_

Full Usage Info

osmf <lat> <long> <radius_meter> [way_area<<value>] [way_area><value>] [<tag>=<value>]...

General tags:
- access
- addr:housename
- addr:housenumber
- addr:interpolation
- admin_level
- aerialway
- aeroway
- amenity
- area
- barrier
- bicycle
- brand
- bridge
- boundary
- building
- construction
- covered
- culvert
- cutting
- denomination
- disused
- embankment
- foot
- generator:source
- harbour
- highway
- historic
- horse
- intermittent
- junction
- landuse
- layer
- leisure
- lock
- man_made
- military
- motorcar
- name
- natural
- office
- oneway
- operator
- place
- population
- power
- power_source
- public_transport
- railway
- ref
- religion
- route
- service
- shop
- sport
- surface
- toll
- tourism
- tower:type
- tunnel
- water
- waterway
- wetland
- width
- wood

Tags only for lines and polygons:
- tracktype

Tags only for for points:
- capital
- ele

The tags are explained here.