
Chef cookbook to set node's hostname and FQDN.

Primary LanguageRuby

hostnames cookbook

Easy hostname, FQDN and /etc/hosts file updates. Less broken than the hostname recipe.

Works with custom /etc/hosts files and fixes aws dns slowness (use use_node_ip: true)


Install it

With berkshelf - Berskfile

source 'https://supermarket.getchef.com'
cookbook 'hostnames'


Run via a role - roles/base.rb

name 'base'
description 'Standard Sequoia setup'
  set_fqdn: '*.sequoiacap.com',
  hostname_cookbook: {
    use_node_ip: true


  • node['set_fqdn'] - FQDN to set.

The asterisk character will be replaced with node.name. This way, you can add this to base role:

default_attributes :set_fqdn => '*.project-domain.com'

and have node set its FQDN and hostname based on its chef node name (which is provided on chef-client first run's command line).

  • node['hostname_cookbook']['use_node_ip'] -- when true sets the hostname to node["ipaddress"] in /etc/hosts (default: false)

  • node['hostname_cookbook']['hostsfile_ip'] -- IP used in /etc/hosts to correctly set FQDN (default:


  • hostnames::default -- will set node's FQDN to value of set_fqdn attribute, and hostname to its host part (up to first dot).

  • hostnames::vmware -- sets hostname automatically using vmtoolsd. You do not need to set node["set_fqdn"].


  • Fork.

  • Make more awesome.

  • Pull request.

  • I will bump version and run: knife cookbook site share hostnames "Networking" -o ../


(original) Maciej Pasternacki maciej@3ofcoins.net

(current) Nathan nathan@vertile.com