
Create sqlalchemy python model files by defining tables and columns in a YAML file

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Purpose of this fork

This for is designed to add functionality to use flask-SQLAlchemy to be able to compile yaml schema to flask models.

My use case is to take large data tables with hundreds of columns parse the data-headers into yaml then create classes that can be inherited to add columns to a custom base model that defines the indexing e.t.c.

Original ReadMe



Create sqlalchemy python model files by defining tables and columns in a yaml file or by specifying database url


pip install alchemy-modelgen


  1. Initialize modelgen folder:
  2. modelgen init -d /path/to/YOUR_FOLDER
    cd /path/to/YOUR_FOLDER

  3. Create sqlalchemy model code from:
  4. (Option 1) yaml template:

    For details on how to write the yaml file, please follow docs

    modelgen createmodel --source yaml --path templates/example.yaml --alembic # path to your schema yaml file 

    (Option 2) existing database:

    modelgen createmodel --source database --path mysql+mysqlconnector://root:example@localhost:3306/modelgen --outfile models/YOUR_FILENAME.py --alembic

  5. Running alembic migrations:
  6. modelgen migrate revision --autogenerate -m "COMMIT_MESSAGE" -p mysql+mysqlconnector://root:example@localhost:3306/modelgen
    modelgen migrate upgrade head -p mysql+mysqlconnector://root:example@localhost:3306/modelgen

    The arguments passed after modelgen migrate are based on alembic. Any command true for alembic can be used with modelgen migrate.

    The database url can be passed using -p or --path argument, or can be set in the environment by the env var DATABASE_URI. If DATABASE_URI is set, -p or --path will be ignored

  7. Alter table support:
    • Change column type, length, add contraint, etc in the yaml file. Then run:
    modelgen createmodel --source yaml --path templates/example.yaml --alembic
    modelgen migrate revision --autogenerate -m "COMMIT_MESSAGE" -p mysql+mysqlconnector://root:example@localhost:3306/modelgen
    modelgen migrate upgrade head -p mysql+mysqlconnector://root:example@localhost:3306/modelgen


      • The code that reads the structure of an existing database and generates the appropriate SQLAlchemy model code is based on agronholm/sqlacodegen's repository (Copyright (c) Alex Grönholm), license: MIT License