
Class to simply draw and update lines in ActionScript 3 in Starling framework.

Primary LanguageActionScript


Class to simply draw and update lines in ActionScript 3 in Starling framework. Line.as extends starling.Canvas. Each line is a single instance that can be added, used and updated. Being a canvas extension, this can be also used for other effects, like i.e. drawing a circle at the origin of canvas. The instance itself gets repositioned and rotated, so if you draw other elements inside the canvas they will be rotated and repositioned at line origin

Use as follows:

import flash.geom.Point; import com.pippoflash.framework.starling.gui.parts.Line;

// Parameters are: color, stroke width, origin, destination

var line:Line = new Line(0xff0000, 1, new Point(0,0), new Point(100,100));


// You can use the following methods or setters:

line.update(new Point(0,0), new Point(100,100));

line.origin = new Point(0,0);

line.destination = new Point(100,100);

line.color = 0xffffff;

line.strokeWidth = 5;