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Welcome to our open source collection of Gizmos! 🚀

Gizmos are cool little devices that we just wanted to build, and thought you might like to come along for the ride. They're not designed to be hardcore consumer-grade products. They're handy projects that we wanted to give to you to work with.

If you want to modify the design, go for it. If you want to create an accessory for a Gizmo, go for it!

If you want to give others access to what you've created, create a pull request and we'll add it into the repository for others to see and use.

All About Community

All our consumer products are centred on the needs and wants of our community. Who knows? Perhaps interest in a Gizmo will spawn an amazing new PIRATE MIDI device.

Feel free to email with any enquiries you might have. We're always happy to help out.

Discussions & Issues

Please use the Discussions tab here on Github to communicate with other community members about the Gizmos, ideas, etc.

If you have a problem with something in the Gizmo repository, you can log it as an issue