This is a project use seq2seq model to play couplets (对对联)。 This project is written with Tensorflow. You can try the demo at
- Tensorflow
- Python 3.6
- Dataset
You will need some data to run this program, the dataset can be downloaded from this project.
** Note: If you are using your own dataset, you need to add <s>
and <\s>
as the first two line into the vocabs file. **
and config the file locations and hyperparams. Then run python
to train the model. You can see the training loss and bleu score at Tensorbloard. You may need to re-config learning_rate
when you find the loss stops descresing. Here is an example of the loss graph:
If you stoped the training and want to continue to train it. You can set restore_model
to True
and use m.train(<epoches>, start=<start>)
, which start
is the steps you've already run.
I've trained the model on a Nivida GTX-1080 GPU for about 4 days.
and config the vocab_file
and model_dir
params. Then run python
will start a web service that can play couplet.
Here are some examples generated by this model:
上联 | 下联 |
殷勤怕负三春意 | 潇洒难书一字愁 |
如此清秋何吝酒 | 这般明月不须钱 |
天朗气清风和畅 | 云蒸霞蔚日光辉 |
梦里不知身是客 | 醉时已觉酒为朋 |
千秋月色君长看 | 一夜风声我自怜 |