
No need to type the full commands in the terminal anymore

Primary LanguageShell

Bash Contexter

The Bash Contexter will let you do things depending on where you run them. It takes advantage of command_not_found_handle in Bash 4.4. With it you can do things like below.

Example (Docker)

$> docker run -it ubuntu bash
$> 7a1

Example (Django)

$> ls
db.sqlite3  manage.py  myproj
$> makemigrations
Detected django project.
No changes detected


Simply run

wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Pithikos/bash-contexter/master/install | bash

The installion script will clone everything under ~/.bash_contexter and a source entry will be appended to your ~/.bashrc.

You will need to manually source any of the examples you want. For example your ~/.bashrc can look like this if you use Docker and Django

source ~/.bash_contexter/bash_contexter.sh
source ~/.bash_contexter/examples/django.sh
source ~/.bash_contexter/examples/docker.sh


The fastest way is to source directly one of the existing examples.

You can however create custom contexters that suit your needs. See example below

function custom_command_not_found {
  echo "Could not find command '$@'"

function precheck_custom_command_not_found {
  return 0

bash_contexter_register 'custom_command_not_found'

The precheck_ function is a prerequisite for every contexter. Its only job is to determine if the context function should run or not - and for that it has to return 0 or 1.


rm -fr ~/.bash_contexter

You also need to manually remove the source line in your ~/.bashrc


You can use these helper scripts in your prechecks

_upfind_dir - find a specific directory from current path up to the root _upfind_file - find a specific file from current path up to the root