
REST Datasource for Grafana

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Datasource for Grafana


There's already two json-datasource plugins, however they are both overly complex. So I made this plugin to save you some time;

  1. Keep a single base REST endpoint to fetch the data.
  2. Keep it RESTful; support nested resources, URL params and only GET allowed.
  3. Support for single values and time series data.
  4. Infer types without cluttering the backend API.


Ensure you have at least Grafana v7. The plugin works with earlier versions but then you might not be able to visualize single values in a graph.

Once added the rest-datasource, you must specify two settings

  • (required) endpoint - the base URL to use for fetching data, e.g. http://myapp.com/stats/
  • (optional) authorization - value of the Authorization header.

If you are using the authorization header, ensure that the user with the token only has access to the endpoint and nothing else to minimize risk.

Backend endpoint

  1. You need to implement a single endpoint that returns status 200 and the JSON data.
  2. Each metric in the JSON can return either a single value or an object of series.

Below is a Django example

from datetime import datetime

class StatsView(APIView):
    def get(self, request, format=None):
        now = datetime.now().timestamp() * 1000  # Python uses secs instead of ms

        return Response({
            "numUsers": 2,
            "userActivity": {
                "active":   [1, 2, 5],
                "inactive": [2, 5, 3],
                "time": [
                    now - 5000000,
                    now - 1000000,

A few things to note:

  • time is special in this example in that it tells Grafana the type of values. This is needed mainly when dealing with dates.
  • the backend will always receive the params from and to which can be used for filtering based on timestamps.

The plugin will try to detect the type in this order:

  1. Check if key name corresponds to a known Grafana type (boolean, string, time, trace, other).
  2. Check if key specifies a type; e.g. birthday_date:time
  3. Will use the type of the first value in the array.

Visualizing the data

You can vizualize a single value like below

The resource path tells what to access from the payload (you can use dot-notation, etc.). We then need to select the specific field in the panel since we're dealing with a single value. Otherwise we can only visualize the value in a table format.

Non-single values in the payload can be shown directly without any extra work.


Ensure you have downloaded the Grafana gzip. Ensure this project lives under data/plugins from the unzipped tarball.

Run server

export GRAFANA_HOME=<path to unzipped Grafana>
yarn devserver

This will ensure that rebuilding of assets occur on file changes and restart the server.

If you need to reset the database, simply remove the grafana.db file.

Run tests

yarn test


Build assets

yarn build

Make a release (ref)

# bump version in package.json
git checkout -b release-<version>
git add -f dist
git commit -m "Release <version>"
git tag -a <version> -m <version>
git push --follow-tags

Build zip

yarn zip