
Group project in the course "Systems development and modeling" at NTNU Aalesund.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

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Xeno Blaster 4000 is a simple 2D twin-stick shoot-em-up game set in space.
This was a group project in the course "ID202712 Systems development and modeling" at NTNU Aalesund, spring 2016.

How to install

This application is written in Java, so in theory it should run on any platform as long as Java is installed.
  1. Make sure Java 1.8 or newer is installed on your system.
    This can be downloaded directly from Oracle using the following link: https://www.java.com/en/download/

  2. Download the xenoblaster.jar file. This file contains the entire application. No installation is required, simply run the file as a standard executable. This usually means double clicking the file if you are running windows.
    On Linux you can use the following command: java -jar xenoblaster.jar

Project documentation

Project documentation can be found here.