
Simple application for Bryton GPS devices

Primary LanguagePython


This is a simple application for accessing Bryton GPS devices.

Warning: Its not safe to use with BrytonBridge version other that


  • Works without internet access.
  • Upload history to strava.com and brytonsport.com.
  • Save you history in .tcx and .bdx format.
  • Show short summary of you rides.

Warning: It has only been tested with a Rider40, i don't know if it works with other devices.

Binary files for Windows

Binary files for windows can be downloaded from here: https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0B9_cvlT9lotxOGJwamFqMTB5WTQ/edit

When using the brytonoffline.exe the output is not visible in the console so you will not see the error messages if something goes wrong. If you want to see debug messages you have to run it from source.

Commandline arguments

All arguments are optional.


--strava-email EMAIL
Your strava.com email address.
--strava-password PASSWORD
Your strava.com password.
--strava-auth-token TOKEN
A valid strava.com auth token can be used instead of email and password.


--bryton-email EMAIL
Your brytonsport.com email address.
--bryton-password PASSWORD
Your brytonsport.com password.
--bryton-session-id SESSION_ID
A valid brytonsport.com session id can be used instead of email and password.


--server-host ADDRESS:
This can be used to specify the address of the internal server. This is only usefull if the you are running BrytonBridge on a different host, e.g on a virtual machine.
-v, --verbose:
Enable debugging output.

Requirements to run from source

  • BrytonBridge2
  • Python 2.7
  • PyQt4
  • WebOb




