Monitor the Predict It political wagering markets
python -h --low=[price] --high=[price] --key=[keyword] --u,url
-l [price[, --low=[price] where price in range of 0.00 - 1.00 (optional)
-h [price], --high=[price] where price in range of 0.00 - 1.00 (optional)
-k [keyword], --key=[keyword], --keyword=[keyword] Keyword to search for in contracts
-f --flagged Only show flagged rows
-u, --url Show market URL
-m, --monitor Monitor for new markets
-i, --id id to monitor
-p [mins], --period=[mins] Period of time between monitoring cycles (default=30)
-s=[key], --sms-key=[key] SMS API Key
-n=[number], --number=[number] US 10-digit phone number to send SMS message to for --monitor alerts
--help help
SMS will send on --monitor usage with --SMS-KEY or env D7_API_KEY is set
SMS will send to --number or env SMS_RECIPIENT is set
Pull live market data from
...flagging data that meets range criteria
python --low .75 --high .85
...and only output those lines
python --low .75 --high .85 --flagged
...that includes a specific keyword in the contract name
python --keyword=pence
...and falls withing your range criteria
python --keyword=pence --low=.6 --high=.8
...that includes a specific keyword in the market name
python -k interior
...and also falls within your range criteria
python -k interior -l .2 -h .3
Output the URL for the given market
python --low .8 --high .9 --url
Monitor for newly added markets
... every [xxx] minutes
--monitor -period 60
Monitor single market for updated contract values
--monitor --id=6976
Monitor and send SMS with key and phone number
--monitor --sms-key=[my key here] --number=[your 10-digit phone num]
You must obtain an API Key from Direct 7 Networks.
Inject that API key into the applet either as a command line argument or system ENVironment variable.
You must also provide a recipient phone number either by --number or also system ENVironment definition.
Only US-based phone numbers have been tested and they must be in the format of 19085551212. the --number argument accecpts only a 10-digit number and prepends the 1. The ENV is unchecked and must be a proper internatlized version of an American phone number.
You may need to install the following packages to your virtual environment:
--urls - make display of URLS off by default, flag to turn onKeyword searching for contractsCombined with range searching
Keyword searching for marketsCombined with range searching
Monitor specific market/contracts over timeAlert for price changeOnly compare values we care about, not entire market recordIntegrate with SMS/Email capabilities
Monitor for new markets coming onlineIntegrate with SMS/Email capabilities
- Better user interface, i.e. non-command-line, potentially interactive
This is a work in progress. It was done merely as an academic exercise to have fun. is not meant to be a gambling / money making site
If you have any ideas for new features, pls let me know, would be open to integrating
Caleb Cohen
Twitter: @PittCaleb