
  • Docker
  • Laravel 9
  • PHPUnit Test

How to Setup

  1. Ensure you have Docker installed and that http://localhost[:port] can access the containers once set up (in our docker-compose, we configure port 4545 on the host to forward to the nginx's port 45)

Special case for Linux on Windows, read here:

  1. Clone the github repository into your local dev folder.
  2. Copy contents from file .env.example to .env. If yor are using docker keep DB Connection properties as it is.
  3. Run docker-compose up -d --build
    • -d - Run as Deamon
    • --build - If your image has not been created, it will create new image
  4. Once you setup docker you can login to the container with docker-compose exec app bash
  5. Cool..... So far you are good if you are able to login to docker terminal. 2 more steps.
  6. Run composer install
  7. Yes All done

Run Test Cases

  1. Login to the container with docker-compose exec app bash
  2. Run ./vendor/bin/phpunit