Stock inference engine using Spring XD, Apache Geode / GemFire and Spark ML Lib.
- adambloomPivotal
- alabargaExperimental Serendipity
- angusshireUC Berkeley
- arunstiwariTekMentors
- chenpusnNorth China Electric Power University
- espeed@bitwav
- Gandofyan
- hadfieldVital AI
- JacAbreuRio de Janeiro - Brasil
- jaimegagVMware
- jiangchanghui
- jiayubo-j
- josephwinston
- jvrmaia@contaquanto
- kubeagesNuxia
- madireySublime Security
- madraslabs
- markitoApple
- mehmoodrehman
- melofred
- natbusaNeom, Saudi Arabia
- nxbdiAgile Mobile Developer
- odyss009South Korea
- openwebhuihoo
- ronert
- rsprangemeijerSprangemeijer IT Solutions
- sshcherbakovCologne, Germany
- summersmile1984
- sxhfutHefei University of Technology
- thomasdarimont@Identity Tailor GmbH
- treperShanghai
- virajago
- wanghy6503
- xiocodeJimeng
- yingfengChina
- zezhouBeijing