A media company wants to build a dashboard to give more detail on The Beatles' top songs. Authenticated users can post new songs to the database. The company has provided a CSV file with the top songs from The Beatles.
Project is built with Django and Python. Rest API is built with Django Rest Framework. Design is based on vertical sliced architecture. More info: https://garywoodfine.com/implementing-vertical-slice-architecture/
First clone the git repo git clone git@github.com:Piwero/index-lab-beatles.git
Move inside the new repo cd index-lab-beatles/
Create a virtualenv virtualenv -p python3 .venv
Activate your virtualenv source .venv/bin/activate
Create your secrets file with a django secret key echo "SECRET_KEY=-yd@)1^bgoyddwnzax6i*hthd@vc@=(+3(n%@(t)y(rj4(61ua)" > .env
Install dependencies for project in environment poetry install
(if this fails, you may need to delete the file poetry.lock and try poetry install
Run migrations python manage.py migrate
Import data to DB python manage.py import_csv_songs_to_db "songs/files/task_data.csv"
Create user python manage.py createsuperuser
With source .venv/bin/activate
You can run python manage.py runserver
pytest .